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Thursday, April 14, 2016

Poem for today:


he was the boy
who stole my breath away
my ultimate dream
to sweep me off my feet
love me eternally
be all that I ever need
and we would find our way
back into each other’s arms

but it was just a fantasy
created by a naïve girl
who thought she knew it all
until the day she saw him fall
off pedestals ten feet tall
but no one’s perfect after all
and with wiser eyes I see
he was never meant for me

- Written in response to dVerse Poetics prompt- Fantasia poem


  1. It's always a relief to see with wiser eyes...the flipside. Well written.

  2. It's always a relief to see with wiser eyes...the flipside. Well written.

  3. Everything becomes clearer in hindsight doesn't it ~ There are some things that are not meant to stay with us, but all are lessons learned ~

  4. Sigh.. of innocent and naive fantasies.. we all have them at some point don't we? Beautifully written.

  5. Can I get no witnesses to the trampling of my innocence ... nah ... what fun would that be ... others must see our ways through to where we are worn with ourselves a thin lace paper poem ... as a lover of rhyme this resonates like an ear worm song ... for me, processing the ending of a two decade plus marriage, this piece says for me, it is okay and necessary to breathe ... and to always say, thank you ...

  6. Loved all the rhymes in the last stanza.

  7. wiser eyes..much needed for all!!

  8. Only afterwards you will know if was a fantasy or not...

  9. This is my favorite section:

    "it was just a fantasy
    created by a naïve girl
    who thought she knew it all
    until the day she saw him fall
    off pedestals"

    It's easier for a man *not* to fall if we don't put him on a pedestal in the first place. Also, I have noticed that I am far more compassionate and understanding toward friends, even male friends, than my husband, who of course is supposed to be perfect. ;)

  10. Ah -- I was the guest host for the Fantasia/fantasy prompt here. So glad you posted for Thursday! (apologies -- just getting to my Thursday reading over my Friday morning coffee!). You've got a good take on the word here. And yep -- sometimes we put folks on a ten foot pedestal, which in and of itself is out of reach -- for anyone.
    And hopefully we learn.......
    Well done!

  11. I suspect we all have one of those fantasy stories to share.

  12. Well told, Arcadia. Quite relatable, as most of us have had similar realizations!

  13. You've captured first love so well. Some things just aren't meant to last.

  14. It's good to see the pedestal fall, reality is better. Your poem was well written and reminiscent

  15. I like the contrast in the two stanzas- brings the point of finally seeing things clearly as a complete and satisfying ending.

  16. Well written! Looking back and seeing the reality in the fantasy. You wrote these two contrasting stanzas so richly.

  17. Well written! Looking back and seeing the reality in the fantasy. You wrote these two contrasting stanzas so richly.
