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Monday, September 6, 2021

passing the time with music

as a kid I remember
placing the needle onto
the groove of vinyl records
in time music played
from cassette tapes
I collected in boxes
in college shiny CDs
eliminated the risk
of broken tapes
now electronic devices
fill my silence with
nostalgic songs


  1. Those nostalgic songs bring back happy memories of these times. I like that groove of vinyl records.

  2. "Electronic things" replaced groovin', I guess! Farewell to vinyl.

  3. It's a very different sound, isn't it? I love this.

  4. Music formatting has come a long way over time...

  5. I know about the needle in the groove from my childhood. We have come a long way

    Happy you dropped by my blog


  6. Ah, so beautifully expressed! Love how you delved into how music and technology changed. :D

  7. Very nice. I believe many of us have made that four-step progression.

  8. How listening to and recording music has transitioned! Wonderfully written.

  9. Who would have predicted "playlists" ... not me. But I am thankful for their ease, and I really enjoyed your Quadrille.

  10. Music always grooves no matter the mode.

  11. I have been travelling the same road... and with streaming music, I have every song available.

  12. I've also gone through each of those venues for producing music. We recently had a bunch of casette tapes we'd made, converted to CDs. Now though....many don't even use CDs since you can stream music through your phone. It strikes me, how many items would be on a list if you wrote down everything your phone has replaced: telephone, telephone book, encyclopedia, calendar, camera, photo albums, weather forecaster, etc etc etc!!!

  13. CDs were a thing when I was in HS... I totally relate to this piece, Arcadia! Spotify and Youtube are my resources today!

    All best,
    David [ben Alexander]

  14. I miss those vinyl record days, album covers, and liner notes,
