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Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Poem for today: 

“the jewel in his eyes

she is a jewel in his eyes
as she shimmers in the room
where clandestine affairs begin
but to him she is much more
than some girl to fill his void
but someone to live in the light
and not hidden in the dark


  1. Every woman wants to be cherished like a jewel and shine in the light!

  2. Love the positive message in the ending ~ That's the man to keep and cherish ~

  3. To hide jewels in the dark... bring them out to meet the light.. the same with all gems like this.

  4. Nice! Shimmering jewels....shining in the light of love - how wonderful to be loved like that.

  5. Love the message in this shimmering poem. Great results with your first quadrille--hope you enjoyed doing it.

    1. Yes I did. It was different but trying different forms is how you grow as a writer. Thanks.

  6. To me, this is about a man who regularly visits a stripper ... but he thinks he's really in love with her, and he wants to save her.

    1. You're not too far off ava. I wasn't thinking about strippers or T-Pain song (I'm in luv with the stripper) but I did think of the movie "The Quiet American" and Michael Caine's character's relationship with the young Vietnamese girl when I wrote this poem. Specifically the last scene when he walks up to her in the dance hall. Thanks for reading.

  7. This does seem like someone who sees value in someone where/when others don't. I like that.
