Short Bio

Published Works

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Two poems for today:

“by the river”

the waters of the river 
under the warm rays of
the sun
as she sits and tries 
to make sense
of what the test results 
could mean
or not mean 
mind in turmoil
of not knowing 
what awaits
when the sun
rises again


the look in your eyes said it all
but I couldn’t match your loving words
I smiled as I gave you my last kiss
and watched as you departed my sight
as the sound of the train faded away
my heart shattered into pieces

- Written for dVerse Poetics prompt - Wheels of steel


  1. Brief but evocative poems...isn't dVerse an interesting place?! Glad you joined :)

    1. Yes I'm so glad to come across dVerse. Thanks for reading.

  2. I love the spill of your river piece, and the possibilities it allows.

    And in "departure," I can hear your heart breaking, to the rhythm of the train...well done.

  3. An undertone of fear and loss in both of these. Right now, I have a friend who is going through what you address in the first. So often it is in nature that one can make sense of things.

  4. There is so much said (and not said) in those test results... maybe when we know the least about future is when we need to know the most.
