Tuesday, June 21, 2016

“rainy days”

On rainy days we stayed indoors to pass the afternoon hours.  We played with dolls at first – I had many.  In time we moved onto tea parties.  Mom made us finger sandwiches as we pretended to be sophisticated ladies.  We even tried playing my keyboard – though none of us were natural musicians.  But I was a storyteller and told extravagant stories guest starring rap stars or other celebrities in whatever situation popped in my head.  Not to mention I was also the manicurist and painted tiny fingernails.  In time we grew apart and spent our rainy days in other places.  Now we are adults living out our lives in different towns or opposite coasts.  Still I keep memories of those days in my heart.

rain drops tap windows
the clouds open up its eyes
shedding tears of joy


  1. Such lovely memories. And painting those tiny fingernails....it is sad such closeness ends. Beautiful haiku at the end as well.

  2. This is why we hold on to memories! Beautiful. Tha haiku is perfect!

  3. I do remember those rainy days playing inside too... though I think we built with lego or played with toy soldiers....

  4. There is such a sweetness in this haibun, Arcadia--the innocence of childhood and the poignancy of those memories. Lovely.

  5. The thought of raindrops being tears of joy is lovely!

  6. Oh.. yes..! Rain play!
    of child hood Imagination
    groWs in the neighbor
    hood of mINd
    and BoDy
    soUL.. MoVinG
    ConnEcTing then
    yes.. CreaTinG
    child wHOle
    heARt and
    SpiRit too..
    oh.. wHere
    haS imAgiNATiOn
    gOne when aLL iS scripted
    iN BiRth from TV.. to Video games..
    to books to lectures..
    to work
    to Grave..
    i escape
    i raiNoW

    hydroPlanED meTal wheelS noW..
    BacK On LiFe'S oPen Road StorMinG MoRe..:)

  7. What a delightful reminiscence! (Tinged, as all the best ones are, with a little sadness.)
