Thursday, December 28, 2017

done with dreams

she thought she was a
lost cause when it came
to love – done with dreams
of knights in shining armor,
princes with glass slippers
until he walked into the room

Wishing you all a great and prosperous New Year.  See you in 2018.

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

with both feet

it is now or never
I’m not getting younger
I see the sun beginning
it’s descent into horizons
with both feet I jump
off the edge of the cliffs
determine to soar not fall

Thursday, December 21, 2017


the winter solstice had came
and the sun slipped into horizons
before we got to say goodbye
I waited for you to come back
still shadows my only company
as countless snowflakes fell
my heart a block of ice
that would not thaw until
you returned in Spring

Photo courtesy of

Monday, December 18, 2017

like stars

you and I
were once close
but now have
grown far apart
and like stars
we twinkle in
midnight skies
appearing close
and yet too
far to touch

Photo by Kaique Rocha
Courtesy of

Thursday, December 14, 2017

coins in his pocket

the line was long
slinking down the aisle
but no one had more
than five items in hand
the coins in his pocket
felt heavy as he stood
but not as heavy as
the perfume of the girl
in front of him that
lingered under his nose
it reminded him of that
vacation to Hawaii when
they were both happy
no – he would not let
his mind wander there
so he played with the coins
in his pocket to remember
that he was in New Jersey
in the dead of winter
and not that warm paradise 
that continued to haunt him

Monday, December 11, 2017

we became stars

we met on a lazy summer day
connected like a lost key
finding its lock
you definitely unlocked something
within me

we told ourselves not to get
too serious too soon
a casual affair is what we both sought
no drama, smooth like a
saxophone playing a jazz tune

yet somehow we became more
than just friends
I suppose the heart never stops
seeking or beating even when

now we transport across night skies
like shooting stars
I no longer try to see past far off
I will see what’s beyond them once
I get there

Thursday, December 7, 2017

lady winter

I feel her coming
like a pending storm
I sense cold hands are
about to touch my skin
the sky will turn dark
ice will form over my heart
winter will take me into
her embrace, placing
a kiss upon my lips
forcing me to close
my eyes until Spring

Photo courtesy of

Monday, December 4, 2017

opposite seasons

there are those who love
the winter season –
the ice chill in the air
and the crunch of snow
beneath their feet
however there are others
like me who prefer
warmer seasons of
tropical breezes through
one’s hair and warm sands
between the toes