Monday, October 31, 2022

scary things

living in a house
where things go
bump in the night
is frightful
dark shadows that
one night reach out
for you is paralyzing
for some people
the idea of dying
alone is terrifying
yet now I find
myself less scared
of these things

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

dreams of fish

she once dreamed of 
casting a fishing line 
into a deep sea
she even dreamed of 
a bucket of silver fish 
she can remember how 
her grandmother said 
fish meant pregnancy 
yet after many dreams 
she wonders what 
happened to hers?
- Written for Twiglet #302

Monday, October 17, 2022

far off I hear bells ringing

I take in the leaves
of red, orange and gold
under a blue sky
I hear the soft steps
of deer grazing nearby
the sun is high but
soon will dip below
far off I hear the bells
ring signaling the
coming of winter