Monday, July 29, 2019

painting the nursery

she imagined the nursery
as a tropical beach oasis
she painted crisp lines
in cool pigments
the carpet a sandy beige
the ceiling in cerulean blue
colorful dots freckled
her summer white dress
covering a growing belly
that will soon birth
the new inhabitant

- Written for dVerse Quadrille #84 - freckle

Thursday, July 25, 2019

grandma's kitchen

three layer cakes
so thick and soft
those succulent 
sweet potato pies that 
brought tears to eyes

since you been gone
the kitchen no longer 
holds memorable aromas
those cakes and pies
just don’t taste the same

Monday, July 22, 2019


I dreamt I was the moon
you were the stars
I chased across night skies

you were the fantasy
I slip into each night
I was the pauper yearning
for your touch

but like the galaxies you
were unreachable to my hands
forever eluding my chases

then one night I dreamt
I was the sun, you was the sea
that I shined upon each sunrise
and kissed softly at each sunset

this too was just an illusion
of my mind, for you will
always be that unattainable star

- This poem was inspired by the line "I dreamt I was the moon" in the poem entitled "Full Moon" by Alice Oswald.  You may read the full poem here:

Thursday, July 18, 2019


I wish for days
when I can get
lost in the clouds

dance with the sun
sing with the moon 
and stars aloud

slumber under
ocean wave sounds
without a care

but those days
seem too far off
to come true

so I sit working
and writing
away my blues

Monday, July 15, 2019

when summer was a real vacation

under a hot summer sun
we played outside all day
until the moon arrived
then we went inside
for a cool night bath
to repeat the cycle
again the next day
those were the
real summer days
before we grew up
and became adults

- Written for dVerse Quadrille #83 - Sun

Thursday, July 11, 2019


when I drive my car each morning
to work, then back home each evening
I sometimes pass pedestrians or
commuters waiting for the bus 

I sometimes wonder if I should have
been one of those commuters 
exercising my legs each day and 
letting someone else take the wheel

but this suburban landscape does not
make public transport all that convenient 
so I'll have to stick to my daily car ride
earning money for gas, insurance and repairs 

Monday, July 8, 2019


a year waiting
becomes two
three, four, five
how long
should I wait
until it’s time
to throw in
the towel

a hello
can turn
into a date
form into love
even blossom
into marriage
if the cards
fall into place

I wait under
summer suns
winter moons
hoping love
will come soon
for this wait
has worn me
down a bit

Thursday, July 4, 2019


she was always a firecracker
her light would sparkle the night sky
a bit loud and unpredictable

Photo by Heiko Stein
Courtesy of Pixaby

Monday, July 1, 2019

what lies ahead

I wonder what lies
ahead beyond the blue sea
is it you and me?

I think of that day
I left you with words unsaid
lonely tears unshed

now filled with regrets
I wait for the rising sun
heart still holding hope