Short Bio

A Short Bio: 

            I was born and raised in southern New Jersey.  While growing up, my father was a self-employed mechanic and my mother worked several janitorial jobs as well as take care of home.    I have one older brother, who is mentally disabled.   I graduated from Paulsboro High School in 1997.   I went on to obtain an Associates’ Degree in Paralegal Studies at Gloucester County College (Now Rowan College of Gloucester County) and a Bachelor’s degree in Law & Justice Studies at Rowan University.  
            I have been writing since I was a kid.  My passion has always been poetry and I began writing poems in high school and continued throughout college.  Of course, as I got older and took on more responsibilities, my poetry writing fell by the wayside.   I did pick up the mantle in the mid 2000s during a dark period in my twenties, until writing fell by the wayside once again.
            In 2014 I made a New Years’ resolution to get back to writing.  I made a goal to write something – anything – every day.  I’m glad to say that I accomplished that goal and decided to continue writing daily in 2015.    
            My new goal is publication, which I have achieved.   I continue to work on my craft and submit my work to a number of publications.  I regularly follow the Poetic Aside blog on Writer’s Digests website, dVerse Poets Pub, which have been a tremendous inspiration to me.  I continue to write a few short stories and have tried my hand at flash fiction.   Although I do not consider myself a great storyteller, I feel prompts I have come across the world wide web have improve my writing overall and have gotten some feedback.  I try to look at various avenues to help my writing craft.  After all, as a writer, I believe one is always looking for ways to improve.


  1. I lived in mid/north Jersey for many years.

    You might enjoy writing for Carrot Ranch. This Month besides fiction/poetic challenges there are also some contests.
    You missed the first contest, but you might like the current one which is for poets.

    You can find out that info here:
    Go to the right side and down to where the latest posts are listed. You can also find the poetry contest here:
