Monday, February 21, 2022


I would never add salt
to my french fries
some thought i was strange
i prefer warm butter
on my popcorn making 
my fingers shiny

I try my best not to add
salt to another's wounds
for I know the sting 
of its touch

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Sevenling: Valentine's Day

for some Valentine’s had
love confessions, surprise gifts,
and candlelit dinners
for others Valentine’s had
no red roses, heart-shaped
candy boxes or love letters
not a holiday for a single girl

Monday, February 7, 2022

nibbling on awkward silence

they sit across from each other
under warm sun, Caribbean
breeze cooling their skin
the sound of blue waves fill
the silence as they nibble
on appetizers to avoid
awkward eye contact
with so much so say, neither
one can find the right words

- Written for dVerse Quadrille #145

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

a day in winter

under the blue sky
hills are blanketed white
laughter of children
pierce the silence
as their sleds
glide across the snow
the elderly couple
step cautiously
not wanting to fall
from the ice glaze
across sidewalks
bones too brittle
I sip hot chocolate
watching the scenes
bundled under sweater
I take in the sights
knowing the grass
will be green again

Sharing this poem for dVerse Open Link Night#309