Monday, February 22, 2021

let it go

I know I should let it go
that holding onto this will
only hurt me in the end
why is it so difficult to
open my hand and let it
fall freely away?
perhaps I still have hope
when I should just let go

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

we have more

we have more to say
yet our voices get lost
in the strong winds
we have more to do
yet our feet drag along
not getting anywhere
we have more to see
yet our eyes grow heavy
missing the view
we have more time
we believe yet the clock
never stops moving its hands

- Written in response to Twiglet #214 - we have more

Monday, February 8, 2021

the road ahead

I embrace the road ahead
despite questionable clouds
and worries that seep into mind
the world is changing while
turning on its axis and like many
I’m trying to find my balance
I see tall mountains ahead 
but I walk towards them unafraid

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

lie in close

today was not good
bygone memories flood back
opening old wounds
she gets lost in waves
arms pressing against currents
shoreline within sight
storm is passing by
to lie in close to calm sky
her peace now returns

- Written in response to Twiglets#212-lie in close