Thursday, July 27, 2017

I have something to say

I have something to say
but I doubt anyone will hear it
it is hard to get my soft voice
to rise above the sound of
loud clashing and shouting
everyone trying to get in their
say as my tiny voice gets lost
among the tsunami waves


  1. Yeah, I have days like that, too! I like the way this poem is constructed. Favorite line: " my tiny voice gets lost among the tsunami waves."

  2. Say it anyway. Someone nearby might hear.

  3. Perhaps, even if we can only hear our own voices, it is enough?

  4. Gayle Walters RoseJuly 29, 2017 at 10:51 AM

    I love what Frank said. I know that my voice has gotten stronger and louder through the years and I think writing has helped in that regard too. I'm not so shy about putting myself out there like I once was.

  5. Write your feelings and give your tiny voice wings ... just as you have done here!
