Monday, July 30, 2018


he was a puzzle
that took me years
to piece together
even then I still
didn’t understand him
he was a chameleon
in bright colors that
would sometimes
burn my eyes
so I let him go
into sunsets
leaving behind
golden tears
as souvenirs

Photo by Dominic Blair
Courtesy of

- Written for dVerse Quadrille #61: puzzle.  Come join the fun!

Thursday, July 26, 2018


we were once innocent
with eyes wide open
until our glasshouses
were shattered

Monday, July 23, 2018


it was in this room
where I danced to songs
under a summer sky
and painted rainbows
birthed from spring rains
I lived there for years
until the time came for me
to spread wings and leave
the nest, never looking back
but perhaps a part of me
still lingers within those walls
dancing with the moon and
creating portraits with the sun

Thursday, July 19, 2018

unlike my mother

unlike my mother
I am a far cry from
a social butterfly
instead I am the shy
wallflower that
disappears into walls
like a ghost with no one
noticing my absence

but unlike my mother
I can spread my wings
far and wide going
to places she could
only ever dream of
on long summer nights
as I paint the sky blue
traveling across the seas

- Inspired by The Twiglets #85

Monday, July 16, 2018

the things I really want to say

the things I really want to say
lie in my heart like heavy stones
never to see the light of day
the things I really want to say
seem not to want to fade away
placing pressure on these weak bones
the things I really want to say
lie in my heart like heavy stones

Thursday, July 12, 2018

it's four o'clock in the morning

it’s four o’clock
in the morning
and I lie in bed
counting sheep

it’s four o’clock
in the morning
and my mind
will not be at ease

it’s four o’clock
in the morning
and I have lost
time to dream

it’s four o’clock
in the morning
I wish the clock
could fall back in time

Monday, July 9, 2018

dust angels

Photo by Sebastian Voortman
Courtesy of

they embrace
in the mist of dust
still angels

Thursday, July 5, 2018

dancing in fields

flower fields
where she danced freely
like the sun

with no cares
she followed rhythms
in her ear

no one joined
this hypnotic dance
too surreal

Photo by Olga
Courtesy of

Monday, July 2, 2018

lazy summer days

lazy summer days are the best
when lounging in the sun or
under a frosty air conditioner
during a heat wave
I wish those days lasted all year
but then I wouldn’t know the beauty
of the season if I didn’t have to feel
the cold wetness of winter snow,
see the falling leaves of autumn or
smell pollen from blooming flowers