Thursday, March 28, 2019

I think of you, still

I thought about you
just the other day
despite how much time has
passed since our sad ending

I am sure the sun
still warms your tan skin
that southern Florida
weather never changes

I know I have changed
I’m sure you have too
do you still think of me
when you get lonely too?

I haven’t found one
who makes me feel love
as deep as you once did –
perhaps I never will

I can’t keep chasing
after wistful ghosts
or wait for a sailed ship
fated to not return

but I think of you, still

Monday, March 25, 2019


it never fails
every day I see
a social media post
by a troll saying
something to get
people fired up

but I don’t let
such things get
under my skin
so if you must
say what you want
but it won’t faze me

- Written for dVerse Quadrille: Troll

Thursday, March 21, 2019

ode to big mama

mama said
what she said
straight no chaser
no thought about
hurt feelings

mama did
the best she could
with what she had
which was mostly
very little

what mama said
stayed with us
even when we
colored outside
the lines

even now
after mama is gone
we still remember
all the words
mama said

- Inspired by Twiglet #118 - mama said

Monday, March 18, 2019

changing of seasons

winter's grip was fierce
roses went through pains
to break through the soil
but spring would not be
denied her time to shine
as winter’s hand slipped
from my cold fingers
spring took her hold

Thursday, March 14, 2019


I once dreamed I kissed
the stars and caressed the moon
as if they were you

but they were not you
no one could match your magic
despite the efforts

so I closed my eyes
pretending you were still here
and not just a dream

Monday, March 11, 2019


eggnog at Christmas
tasted better when
spiked with Rum
to underage lips

along railroad tracks
boys collected spikes
as if they were gold

an electrical storm
caused a power spike
leading to disaster

we watched Spike
kiss Buffy, but
honestly we were
Angel/Buffy shippers

- Written for dVerse Quadrille #75: Spike up a Poem

Thursday, March 7, 2019

no longer silent

there was a time
we were told to be silent
to not speak of dark truths
for if they came to light
it would ruin us all

but once we seized
back our tongues
we shouted loudly
the damn broke free
much to the chagrin
of the silent ones

now it’s a time
to speak our truths
let them soar high
revel in the light
for we’ll no longer
wallow in pain’s darkness
for the comfort of others

Monday, March 4, 2019

kaleidoscope lenses

I saw him through kaleidoscope lenses
a chameleon who charmed my heart
but then the quirks got under my skin
I began to desire stability over uncertainty

Image by magdahertzberg