Monday, March 11, 2019


eggnog at Christmas
tasted better when
spiked with Rum
to underage lips

along railroad tracks
boys collected spikes
as if they were gold

an electrical storm
caused a power spike
leading to disaster

we watched Spike
kiss Buffy, but
honestly we were
Angel/Buffy shippers

- Written for dVerse Quadrille #75: Spike up a Poem


  1. Loved yourcollection of spikes Arcadia... :-) didn’t fully grasp the last one, but know it was TV related.

  2. That taste of rum to underage lips is bewitching. Enjoyed the spike collection specially the last one.

  3. Lived the collection if spikes. I never watched the TV show but I loved the movie.

  4. We used to collect railroad spikes with my grandad back in the 70s. I love the nostalgia this brought, and your clever use of the word in so many ways.

  5. A comprehensive spike collection! I remember my grandmother handing out eggnog at Christmas – I preferred a snowball: advocaat with cream soda or lemonade! We still suffer from power spikes in East Anglia, especially here in North Norfolk and, being British, I always had a soft spot for Spike!

  6. Many spikes to make life interesting.

  7. Great set... I was more of a Spike fan myself...

  8. Loved all the different uses of spike you worked in here.
