Thursday, November 28, 2019


I am grateful
for the silence
of mornings
letting my mind
rest before the
grind of the day

I am grateful
of the serenity
of nights
fall into dreams 
to recharge 
for tomorrow

- Written in response to Poetic Aside 2019 November PAD Chapbook Challenge Day 28

Monday, November 25, 2019

meal ticket

he thought
his b-ball skills
was his meal ticket
out the hood into
millionaire status
but hoop dreams are
achieved by so few

she believed
her thin frame
would gain her
model fame
but one must ask
is the price
worth the pain

you and me
had faith that
our degrees
were the keys
to upper class
then they changed 
the game

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Monday, November 18, 2019

stormy music

lightning bolts
illuminate the sky
thunder cracks
across the ground
raindrops pound
against windows

under darkness
it is this music
that lulls me
to a deep slumber
into dreams that
seem endless

the only thing
better is holding
your hand as
the storm sings

Thursday, November 14, 2019


at first she
did not think
this was real

he was a dream
too perfect, a myth 
too far-fetched
to believe in

but he proved
himself true,
time and again

he was not a
fickle promise  
or an illusion
to soon disappear

slowly her heart
opened and she fell
in love with him

- Written in response to WD Poetic Aside November 2019 PAD Chapbook Challenge: Day 14

Monday, November 11, 2019


am I past my prime
and now must live
with regrets after
missing the boat

or am I just starting
after marinating
in this seasoning
that is now ripe

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Chicago Bulls jacket

a Chicago Bulls Starter jacket
still hangs in my closet –
after all these years  still keeps
me warm when cold, though
I rarely wear it outside anymore
but it still holds cherish
memories of days old

- Written for WD Poetic Aside 2019 November Chapbook Challenge: Day 7

Photo by Arcadia Maria

Monday, November 4, 2019

night life

when young they were the
keeper of the night’s flame
dancing under disco lights
the deep base vibrating
under feet

tossing aside their burdens
they partied until sunrise
with no thoughts of when
the night will come when
flashing lights won’t hold
such sway

- Written for dVerse Quadrille #91 - Keep and WD Poetic Aside 2019 November PAD Day 4