Monday, March 9, 2020

shaken, not stirred

he likes his martinis
shaken not stirred
epitome of cool
he had me before
even saying hello

for fun we teleport
across blue skies to 
exotic places from sandy
beaches to metropolises

it was just a fantasy
but an ordinary girl
can still dream

- Written for dVerse Quadrille #99-Poems Stirred, Not Shaken, my ode to the debonair character known as James Bond.  This is also my 500th post for this blog.  I never thought I get here when I started this poetry blog back in 2016.   Yet here I am. Thanks to all who have read and commented on my posts throughout the months and years.  I thank you all for your continued support.


  1. Ah yes dreams we must have though ordinary gals we are.Thank youfor dropping by to read mine


  2. Love this nod to Bond! Especially love that he had you BEFORE hello. ;)

  3. Without dreams, there is little new ...

  4. I especially liked the part about teleporting.

  5. Sounds like a wonderful dream... I think I can dream to be a guy like that too.

  6. Thank you Frank, Vandana and brudberg
