Monday, March 22, 2021

knots of anxiety

she tries to stay calm
thinking of peaceful waves
or butterflies on a summer day
yet still her stomach ties
in knots when sensing omens
coming her way
she hopes one day she will
only see the glass half full
instead of half empty


  1. I feel this. Hopefully, the perspective changes but it's easy to stay rooted in our ways, especially when dealing with anxiety. Almost as if we're knotted in them. Beautifully written and evocative!

  2. It's interesting the way the word "knot" has allowed many to speak of anxiety in their quadrilles, whether fictional or not. The word truly evokes that feeling.

  3. Knots and anxiety often go together. You have expressed that well.

  4. Lots of knots in these times. When we think of steps forward there is always a new wave or new borders of lockdown.
    Still treat those knots to some soothing unties

    Stay Safe

    much love...

  5. Nicely done shift that lingers. I felt this.

  6. Seeing the half full glass is really needed.
