Monday, November 1, 2021

to savor the season

my emotions careen
from side to side as
I observe autumn leaves
tumble towards the grass
the sun is setting earlier
plunging me into darkness
before dinnertime
my mind braces for
winter’s arrival
but my heart just
wants me to savor
the fall season


  1. ohhhhhhhhhhhh yessssss! That feeling of autumn coming to a close and the cold of winter setting in. I want the vibrant colors of autumn to stay and stay and stay. To me, it's Nature raising her cancan skirt to show all those colorful ruffles (leaves)! I do not want her to leave the stage!
    Love your response to the prompt.

  2. Me too as I don't like our long winter season. Savor the autumn season!

  3. ...and go round and round and round in The Circle Game...

  4. As the light fades, it really does become an emotional roller coaster, which you capture so well.

  5. Arcadia — Nice work poet! Please come and visit me, share your likes and your truth! Would love to have you!

  6. Arcadia - This is just lovely and relatable. In particular, these lines:

    "plunging me into darkness
    before dinnertime"

    Because the clocks were just changed in Israel last weekend, and it's already starting to get dark in the evening when I pick my daughter up from school at 4:30 these days...


  7. We are certainly savoring out here in Central Oregon .... don't stop wherever you are ... a beautiful season indeed. I do not look forward to cold and snow. Well done.

  8. Here we are deeply embedded in darkness now. Winter will be a relief

  9. Beautifully poignant write 💝💝
