Tuesday, August 29, 2023

a sibling bond

my brother and I
two of a kind
on opposite spectrums
yet still have a bond

when I was younger
I often made wishes
you were normal and
not the strange one

but in passing years
I gained to accept you
just as you are –
completely special

when we enter twilight
I will hold fond memories
to keep my heart going
when you are gone


  1. Such a great tribute... we are not that close, but I think we could be if we tried.

  2. A lovely ode to a sibling bond, Maria. I think that siblings have different relationships nowadays as people live so far away from each other. It’s good to know the special bond is still there and that memories will survive.

  3. To create space for our differences serves a higher purpose I think. Enjoyed reading this.

  4. A lovely ode to a special brother Arcadia❤️

  5. "two of a kind
    on opposite spectrums
    yet still have a bond"
    Very clever. I am sure it must have not been easy at times, but it is great you still have that bond... the special ones are the best ones... they aren't like everyone else. Gems.
    Thank you for sharing!

  6. I love your heartfelt poem! Well done.

  7. “I gained to accept you
    just as you are –
    completely special”

    What beautiful words.❤️
