Thursday, February 20, 2025

I never stopped loving you

I never stopped loving you
you had me at the first kiss
making me fall into a bliss

your kisses were morning dew
and soft touches I so very miss
I never stopped loving you
you had me at the first kiss

after everything we’ve been through
my heart will still reminisce
and I cannot regret any of this
I never stopped loving you
you had me at the first kiss
making me fall into a bliss

- My attempt at an English Madigral poem for dVerse Poetry Form: English Madigral prompt


  1. Sometimes, love endures through all the trials and tribulations.

  2. Sweet love from the first kiss!

  3. Such a beautiful love madrigal, Maria, sad too, from the first kiss to the bliss and the ‘soft touches I so very miss’.

  4. A.M., you had me sighing at your poem. I perfectly understand what you mean about the first kiss of a soul mate. I remember mine with mine as if it were yesterday. {{{HUGS}}}

  5. This is a WONDERFUL madrigal!!

  6. I am with you - soul mates at the first kiss - beautiful write Maria...

  7. Beautiful poem, Maria! This form works well with lost love.

    Yvette M Calleiro :-)

  8. Aww! So lovely...from the first kiss...
    Love it, Arcadia.
