Thursday, December 31, 2015

Wishing everyone a peaceful and prosperous New Year.

Last poem for 2015:

“waiting room”

I sit in a tiny room
filled with many strangers
there’s the mother with
one child coughing and
spreading his germs while
the other boy is absorbed
in his headphones
the man across keeps
peeking at the pretty lady
sitting beside me
unaware of his ogling eyes
the tall man in the suit
chats loudly on his phone
as if we all want to know
his personal business
yet his thunderous voice
doesn’t disturb the older
man beside him with a
look in his eyes as if
he’s preparing for the worst
we all wait patiently
in this tiny room until
the nurse calls us
behind the curtain

Monday, December 28, 2015

Poem for today:  another try at a pantoum poem

"broken promises"

I made a promise to you
your promises fell through
I starved for your affection
you left me with only crumbs

your promises fell through
and our love shattered like glass
you left me with only crumbs
it never meant anything to you

our love shattered like glass
and I drown myself in tears
it never meant anything to you
when I etched my name on your heart

I drown myself in tears
as I starved for your affection
I etched my name on your heart
when I made a promise to you

Thursday, December 24, 2015

To those who celebrate, I wish you a peaceful and joyous Christmas.

Another pandoum poem for today:

“writing daily”

I write my words daily
who knows if they’ll be read?
I release them into the wind
in hopes to reach one’s ears

who knows if they’ll be read?
I write because it’s in my blood
in hopes to reach one’s ears
I cannot stop poeming

I write because it’s in my blood
despite the odds against me
I cannot stop poeming
it brings me peace of mind

despite the odds against me
I release them into the wind
it brings me peace of mind
so I write my words daily

Monday, December 21, 2015

For an old friend from my past on his birthday:

“I remember you”

I remember you
your smooth brown skin
that smelled so good
I wanted to bathe in it

I remember you
under the neon lights
I caught your eye
and you made me smile

I remember you
you broke down walls
I built around my heart
I could breathe again

I remember you
during cold lonely nights
wishing I had someone
to chat the hours away

I still remember you
despite the passing of time
you stay on my mind
I wonder where you are

Thursday, December 17, 2015

For today's poem, I experimented with a "pantoum" poem.  It is a modern adaption of Malaysian folk poetry.  You can find out more information here at website here.

Here's my attempt at a pantoum poem:

“as children”

as children, they put us together
to grow up, side by side
but as adults, we grew apart
we never had their bond

to grow up side by side,
I was too timid for your tastes
we never had their bond
and you were too wild for me

I was too timid for your tastes
we couldn’t be like our mothers
and you were too wild for me
we were not on the same page

we couldn’t be like our mothers
and as adults, we grew apart
we were not on the same page
though as children, they put us together

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

A madrigal poem inspired by Poetic Aside's poetry prompt for December 16, 2015- a standard poem:

"standard reply"

I had my standard reply
for every lame pick up line
but yours took me by surprise

so unlike the other guys
your charming words made my night
I had my standard reply
for every lame pick up line

but your bright eyes held no lies
and when you left me tongue-tied
all rejections left my mind
I had my standard reply
for every lame pick up line
but your took me by surprise

Writer's Digest Poetic Aside prompt 332

Monday, December 14, 2015

"after the love has gone"

we knew it would end
but still kept holding on
we danced the last dance
under the moon and stars

the next day I watched
you walk out the door
the sun on your back
my eyes filled with tears

but I have moved on –
or at least have tried
I suppose you have too –
we both won’t admit defeat

so every night I sit
in my now silent home
with the moon at my 
ear still whispering your name

- written 12/11/15

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Poem for the day:

“I still stand here”

the world may spin out of control
the seas may wipe away our homes
but still I stand here
I write. I live.  I love.
I will release my good vibes
into the world to touch one’s heart –
then another and another
until it has gone worldwide
I suppose I could just stand by
let the waves crash over my head
or I can rise above the seas
make the world a better place –
in my own small way

Monday, December 7, 2015

“what should I do when my heart cries tears”

my heart cries tears
when I see the world
disintegrate into chaos
what am I to do?
take up arms
like some proclaim
bastardize others names
should I pray like others
some may mock me
but tell me, what should I do?
should I do nothing,
and watch the world
fade out of my view
pretend I’m not really here
but on a heroin high
violence only begets violence
though prayers are fine
without work behind them
I don’t think we’ll get far
I know what my faith tells me
about days like this –
the end of days
but still I ask God
what should I do
in the meantime?

Friday, December 4, 2015

Poem for the day:

“stuck on you”

they all say I need to move on
but how can I do that
when you broke my heart in two

my friends say I need to snap out
of my blues and just let loose
but that’s not what I want to do

I rather snuggle under thick covers
drowning myself in HÓ“agen-Dazs
until my belly is too full

then my thighs will get fatter
and I can sit on the sofa watching
mindless TV until I grow gray hair

mom says there are other fish in the sea
but I just cannot get past
the memories of your haunting face

my friends dragged me out last night
bar hopping and sipping cocktails
but I was no fun to be around

I just sat on a stool under flashing lights
watching others dance wild and free –
but not me, I’m still stuck on you

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

“the husband shopper”

what can I say she had a gift
collecting husbands like diamonds
she had to - she was a spendthrift
what can I say she had a gift
seducing every man she kissed
she had it down to a science
what can I say she had a gift
collecting husbands like diamonds

Poem for the day:

"elephant in the room"

we begin dancing
around the elephant
in the room
neither one of us
wanting to look it
straight in the eye
so we just dance
like lithe ballerinas
pretending it will
just go away