Monday, April 9, 2018

Battle of Self-Acceptance

the battle to accept who I am
is a struggle I have dealt with
since becoming aware of my looks
I try hard not to judge myself
based on how my jeans zip up
but the world’s distorted ideals
always creep into my head

- Combining two prompt:  dVerse Quadrille #54: Zip It! and Writers' Digest Poetic Aside 2018 April PAD Challenge Day 9


  1. It's a constant battle. I say, don't be too hard on yourself ~

  2. Madison Avenue is not anyone's mirror. Just remember, their ideals support multi trillion dollar ad campaigns, not real people.

  3. Arcadia, I feel this deeply. Well done.

  4. Ah...I’m reminded of a phrase by Ann Lamont: paraphrasing here. Don’t look down. Your belly is there. So what? Look up! 😊
    There’s a lot to be said for looking up and just getting a new pair of jeansπŸ˜ŠπŸ˜‰

  5. What a fun quadrille to read. I really like the honesty in this piece. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Thank you for sharing this; it is very relatable.

  7. Thank you everyone. Your comments are much appreciated.

  8. Distortion has a way of seeping in. I know I'm susceptible to the fuzzy lies of being an inadequate mother and human. We need to seal those spaces with the truth though: that we are forever beautiful and precious in our maker's eyes.

  9. So let's not measure ourselves by distorted ideals. That is a distorted mirror. We are all beautiful.
