Thursday, June 14, 2018

I wish I could

I wish I could
be at ease and
not let this anxiety
get the best of me

I wish I could
stop and smell
the roses instead of
worrying about bees

I wish this tingling
in my hands
would go away and
not stay for days

I want to breathe
at ease and not worry
but my mind
won’t let me be


  1. That anxietry and depression can get the upper hand in some days ~

  2. Good description of anxiety. Breathing easy without worry if the mind only lets one do so.

  3. Lovely piece and sentiments too, Maria - spookily enough mirroring the chosen subject of mine too, this time round! With Best Wishes Scott

  4. So easy to worry these days... we do have cause, but we should not let it rule us.
