Thursday, February 21, 2019

when I am lonely

when I am lonely
I think of you and
what we once shared
but it was so long ago
the memories are
beginning to feel
more like a dream
than an old reality

when I am lonely
I pretend you’re here
still madly in love
and the bond that
mended us as one
but we both know
those ropes were
torn apart long ago

when I am lonely
I often wonder
where I went wrong
what road I should
have taken instead
of the one I followed
but the universe
never answers me


  1. Loneliness is a terrible companion.

  2. The repetition of "when I am lonely" drives home the loneliness here. Loneliness can eat away at the soul, create doubts. It can be hard to validate self worth and value when loneliness edges out over mindfulness.

  3. The repeated phrase ‘when I am lonely’ certainly hit home!

  4. I like the last stanza of feeling unanswered even by the universe when lonely.

  5. This is so poignant. Our mind is a never-ending map of memories and what ifs.

  6. Thank you everyone for reading and your kind comments

  7. Loneliness is a terribly dark road to travel

  8. Sustained loneliness can make one quite mad Arcadia, as can trying to understand the mind or heart of another...
