Thursday, August 29, 2019

finding words

I tried to find the 
right words to express
what lied inside my heart

but I struggled with
forming correct syllables
making coherent sentences

so I stammered through
awkward lines and pauses
hoping you understood

but when you smiled
at me I knew that
it all made sense

Monday, August 26, 2019


to be in this place 
of tranquility 
is to be free
from all worries 
to lounge under
blue skies void 
of gray clouds 

how I wish 
I could spend
all eternity there
for my mind 
and body is 
drained from 
this rollercoaster 
called life

- Written for dVerse Quadrille: and the most beautiful words are...

Thursday, August 22, 2019

after the party

it is all fun and games
letting your hair down
tossing worries aside
when everyone leaves
you find dirty dishes
and a house too empty

Monday, August 19, 2019

out of love

I gave my all
though in vain
the sky still fell

so many changes
did I fall in love
with a stranger?

the face before me
is not the one
I met that day

a love now lost
I walk under stars
memories in arms

Thursday, August 15, 2019


rumor has it
that you stole
my heart
when you gave
me the moon
and stars

rumor has it
I’m in love
head over heels
and I must say
this time
they are right

- Inspired by Writer's Digest Poetic Aside Poetry Prompt #493

Thursday, August 8, 2019

at the winery

we sipped wine 
tasted chocolates
under late Spring sun
enjoying each other’s
company away from
work’s bustle
if only every day
could be so simple

Monday, August 5, 2019

they were once misfits

they were once misfits
that stood out against
a sea of suburban faces

they were working class folks
no parents with college degrees
or pretty white houses with 
lush green backyards

when teen years arrived
they tried to fit in those boxes
but only one succeeded
leaving the other behind 

but she is still a misfit
walking to her own drum beat
not caring what others think

Thursday, August 1, 2019

back and forth

two steps forward
three steps back
it is a slow dance
I find myself in
way too often

the color of the
sky at dusk
makes me hunger
for your eyes
lying beside me

but this tango
we’ve been dancing
never ceases
always leaving me
with two left feet

in my dreams we
are a perfect harmony
one day I’ll need to 
let such dreams go
but not this night