Monday, September 9, 2019

blood on porcelain

I was so gentle with the razor
sliding across delicate skin
removing unsightly hairs –
it’s what ladies do they say –
I still managed to nick myself
I watch small droplets of blood
fall onto porcelain sink
the things we do to be
considered desirable

- Written for dVerse Quadrille #87-Quick! Nick us a poem!


  1. What a fantastic title; so visceral. I have sooooo many scars from these such tiny nicks, over the years.

  2. Love the title - and I know just what you mean!

  3. Hi Arcadia. Wonderful use of the word nick in your quadrille. I grew a beard to avoid razors... :-)

  4. I feel for you girls.. for me it's enough having to shave my face.

  5. Made me smile.....I most especially remember those early days when I was just learning to do this. Now in my 7th decade, it's a bit more difficult to bend and maneuver to do! :) LOL

  6. Thank you everyone for reading and commenting 🙂

  7. Great visual metaphor, your title.
