Monday, September 23, 2019


I still remember a time when
you had to find friends in person
but now by simply pushing buttons
on phones one can connect with
so many others far and away
I fear that real friends face extinction
as social media friends take over

- Written for dVerse Quadrille #88


  1. This is a statement of our times. Thanks you for sharing!

  2. Arcadia you are so right. There will come a time when the memories of people making face to face friends will fade, then disappear. I hope I'm gone by then.

  3. Hopefully we take the time to make real friends.

  4. Interesting viewpoint Arcadia, and one worth considering by a species that is growing more and more disconnected — from each other, and our planet.

  5. I know...can't be sure if those social media friends are real or not though...

  6. Unless I can touch them, they aren'y real

  7. I love our community of writers, but I need physical human contact from time to time: facial expressions, body language, voices and touch. As long as we can reach each other, by bus, train or car, friends won’t become extinct.

  8. I hope that in the end we will find someone for real that we meet online.
