Monday, December 2, 2019

the orphans

they tried to lift
the children’s spirits
with candy and toys
but melancholy had
a grip on their hearts
they missed the warmth
of home  and kept
promises of peace
not cold like the road
being shifted from
orphanage to orphanage
without a pause

- Written for dVerse Quadrille #93: Spirited Poems
Although I was blessed to not been an orphan, I can imagine the heartache once must experience when left alone in this world without a parent to guide you.  I dedicate this poem to all the orphans in the world - keep your head up.


  1. This really hit me, Arcadia, as I have a very dear friend who was in an orphanage for awhile while her family struggled. Her stories are very similar to this, of holidays there. So sad.

  2. Sad one
    Happy Monday


  3. Children who don't have Christmas always gets to us.

  4. It's not the candy or gifts but the warmth and hugs of others that lift the spirit of children (and grownups too)

  5. This is so sad, because its difficult to grow without spirit and love.

  6. Nice description of missing the warmth of home as melancholy.

  7. It's a lonely time for anyone who is "locked up," and the orphans most of all.

  8. So few words....but such heartache you've evoked.

  9. Thanks for reading katie, Amaya and Lillian
