Monday, January 27, 2020


when I was young
my hair was thick,
curly and wild 
I often wished it
was tamer with
smooth strands

now that I am older
time and nature
thinning many
of those strands
I often look back
wishing I still had
those thick curls

- Written for dVerse Quadrille #96: Wild Monday


  1. Isn't that the way with ageing? In our youth we could hardly wait to be old enough to drink, to vote, to get out of the house, to . . . on and on and on. Now...I am content with my grey undyed hair that is naturally curly - I threw out my hairdryer and gave up trying to straighten it. I am content with a more natural look now. I look back and see all the time spent in trying to look like others, like the popular girls, like the movie stars in the magazines etc. What a waste. Much nicer now...I am me.

  2. I prefer the wild look of my youth as well until I remember all the mistakes I made.

  3. I’m so glad you went with wild hair! I’ve always wanted thick, curly hair. I hope you have photographs of your luscious hair.

  4. oh adulting. i love the sense of honesty in your poem.

  5. Oh! god . I can so much relate to this poem. I have faced the same situation. My hair too was thick and curly and how I wished it to be straight and light. But now ,that it is receding, I wish the mack..

  6. I think some of my hair migrated down to my upper lip and chin from my hairline.

  7. Oh... I can understand that... I am happy to still have some decent hair.

  8. This is so wonderful. You had me looking in the mirror, feeling those words.

  9. Thank you everyone for your kind words

  10. We never seem to want what we have at the time.
