Thursday, April 30, 2020

let me praise

let me praise
your dazzling eyes
beautiful smile
gentle touch
let me praise
your warm embrace
featherlike kisses
enchanting voice

let me praise
this hypnotic love
wanderlust dreams
peaceful slumbers

- Inspired by Poetic Aside 2020 April PAD Challenge: Day 30.

Monday, April 27, 2020

teach me your ways

will you teach me your ways?
how you spin stars from silver threads
how do you paint the sky so beautiful?
what magic do you use to wipe away tears?

will you teach me your ways? 
or will you hold onto you secrets within
I only that you don’t keep me dangling
I may soon lose my grip and fall down

Monday, April 20, 2020

in isolation

spring should bring warmth
to my skin, flush away blues 
collected on long winter nights
instead I sit in solitude, watching 
way too much television
they say a danger lurks outside,
wanting to grasp my lungs
I sit, waiting for this darkness to flee

- Inspired by 2 prompts: Poetic Aside 2020 April PAD Challenge Day 20 and dVerse Quadrille #102

Thursday, April 16, 2020

the last kiss

under cool moonlight
your soft lips caressing mine
making my heart swell
we did not know it would be
the last tender kiss we share

- Written in response to Poetic Aside 2020 April PAD Challenge: Day 16 and dVerse Open Link NIght

Monday, April 13, 2020


all things have purpose
or that’s what I tell myself
life is all fated
a path we can never change
I like to think otherwise

- Written in response to Poetic Aside 2020 April PAD Challenge: Day 13

Monday, April 6, 2020

close to you

all I wanted was
to be close to you
to stand in your presence
allow you cologne
mingle with my perfume
let us walk among stars
watch sunrises and sunsets
let me cover you
with kisses until the wounds
heal and find love again

- Written for dVerse Quadrille #101: What's Neither Closed nor Cancelled

Thursday, April 2, 2020

space between us

our journey road, long
space between us grows vaster
strain to hear your voice
echoing against mountains
carrying soft words of love

- Written in response to Poetic Aside April 2020 PAD Challenge Day 2: space poem and dVerse OpenLinkNight #263