Monday, January 24, 2022


I watched the golden leaves
shiver and fall into messy piles
my cool hands gathered them
into bags under cobalt sky
now I watch falling snow
blanketing those limbs
that were once full of life
my heart is cold but is
looking towards spring

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

soft hands

with soft hands
she wiped away my tears
a simple kiss
she could heal all wounds
a magic only mothers have

Monday, January 10, 2022


you were once my muse
I wrote love poems
collecting them in journals
your brown eyes enchanted
me to words across pages
in time your magic faded and
I have found new daydreams
still once a blue moon
my mind drifts back to you

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

first snow day

it is the first snow day of the year and
I have to leave my warm apartment
I brush off inches of snow off the car
after hours of falling snowflakes
the coldness seeps through my boots
and into my frigid feet and toes
I try to clear the car in a hurry
before my fingers begin to tingle
I slowly pull out of my parking space
with a prayer all the way to my destination