Monday, April 18, 2022

we wrote on blackboards

we wrote our names on blackboards 
using chalk in white and pastel hues 
while dividing numbers 
the smell entering my nose 
white dust covering my fingers 
I still remember standing next 
to my classmates – some gone, 
others living far away, 
yet the memory remains


  1. I feel this....feel it, and the friends I used to have....a real sadness.....

  2. I can still smell chalk when I think of this. And hear erasers clapping at recess. I love where this took you.

  3. I know this feeling very well. Whan I started teaching in 1969 my classroom had a wall of slate blackboards. I used chalk that would cause the skin on my fingers to dru out and crack.

  4. I, too, remember writing in chalk. Rewriting for each class, actually. Thanks for sharing these memories.

  5. Those kinds of memories keep us grounded I think. When chaos reigns, we cling to them. Beautiful poem.

  6. I can relate to this one!

    David [ben Alexander]
