Thursday, October 4, 2018

fixing you

I tried my best
I gave it my all
I used scotch tape, duct tape,
rope, glue, rubber cement
and every other adhesive
I could think of

I tried to make you
whole once more
but I was a fool
to think I could
do the job alone

I gave it my best shot
to fix the cracks
that was within you
but you were beyond repair
so I dusted myself off
and walked away


  1. Very wise. sometimes the broken cannot or will not be fixed.

  2. how true...there comes a time we realize there is no fixing when we have done all we could with no positive effect...walking away is all we can do.

  3. Good for you to dust yourself off and walk away. Can't "fix" someone else, sadly.

  4. Too late smart, my Dad used to say. I think we've all done this without realizing it.

  5. It is harder to fix ourselves than other people, and they don't always want to be fixed.

  6. Sometimes it is best to give up trying to fix someone.

  7. you tried , but somethings just still come undone, some people too

  8. I think sometimes we just cannot fix what's broken...
    This reminds me of the song "Fix You" by Coldplay... never go to a Coldplay concert without knowing the lyrics.

  9. Nope, cannot fix other people...but we've probably all tried ;)

  10. I've had that experience, trying to fix people but not being able to.

  11. Thank you everyone for reading and commenting
