Monday, October 7, 2019

set in stone

there are days
when the rain
won’t stop
other days I
can’t get enough
of the sun
this roller-coaster
can be draining
at times yet,
nothing is set
in stone
things change 
like the seasons
so I know
this phase will 
soon pass away

- Written for dVerse Quadrille #89-Are you Set?


  1. These all pass away. I do prefer autumn to winter though.

  2. Sunrise, sunset, change of seasons … events we take for granted.

  3. Couldn’t imagine a life without change Arcadia, it’s the spice.

  4. the yin rises to yang then falls to yin, in perpetuity. so is the way of all things, including the weather ;)

  5. I know that feeling. We’ve just had a weekend of torrential rain and flooding – and this morning the sun is shining as if it had never been away! We know what to expect, and still we are surprised by the changing seasons.

  6. Change is something we crave and then resent when we get it.

  7. I have lived in a place where the sun always shone... and in the end I longed so much for variations.

  8. We need change at times, even if we think we don’t.
