Thursday, October 10, 2019

water bottle

you, aluminum bent
into a bottle form
refreshes my tongue
with ice cold water
helping me reach
my daily goal

that not so stylish
at least I know
you won’t be sitting
in a far off landfill
taking up space

suppose I’m doing my
part to save the Earth
though she may end 
up burning anyway


  1. Brief and powerful, Arcadia. I try to shy away from bottled water, too. I have a great mug that serves the purpose well.

  2. re-usable, non-plastic water bottles make sense. Good for you. I use a metal one also.

  3. I like how you describe the ominous thought of "taking up space" in a landfill.

  4. Sabio here: fun comment on glass, which is often not recycled but far better than plastic

  5. Lovely ode to something apparently so trivial. Of course, when you stop and think about it, a water bottle is part of the on-going battle against destruction.

  6. Whenever did bottled water become a necessity in life. We need to find a way to build highways with empty water bottles!
