Thursday, February 27, 2020

Monday, February 24, 2020


peel away my layers
to reveal my beating core

kiss my lips making
me feel alive once more

take my hand leading me out
of darkness into rising suns

let us linger among stars
dreaming about how things
could be if we only believe

- Written for dVerse Quadrille #98 - Peelings, Nothing More...

Thursday, February 20, 2020

far-flung star

a far-flung star
you were to me
twinkling in sky
out of my reach

I gave you the moon
to ensnare your heart
gladly given more
to be your star

instead you stayed
just a mere fantasy
and never to return
my kisses and pleas

- Inspired by Poetic Aside Poetry Prompt#516-star poem and posted for dVerse OLN

Monday, February 17, 2020

between two heartbeats

between two heartbeats
I hold in my breath
waiting for cards to fall

with each passing second
anxiety builds like a storm
waiting to breakout

between two heartbeats
time comes to a standstill
I momentarily lose myself

when the heartbeat returns
life comes crashing back
worries now lost in waves

Thursday, February 13, 2020

what am I to you?

am I just a rose
in your garden
to be picked
when my petals
turn dark?

you are the sun
in my blue sky
the light that
warms my skin
and dry my tears

Monday, February 10, 2020

some days

some days fill me
with dread –
mountains of papers
at work

some days fill me
with nostalgia –
lazy Sunday under
a warm sun

some days fill me
with hope –
a text message
confirming a date

but some days
just leave me
empty and drained

- Written for dVerse Quadrille #97-=Filling the Page

Thursday, February 6, 2020


brown and white
long floppy ears
with short legs
a hunting dog
you were to be

you became
a pet to me
feeding you
taking walks
in the evenings

then you were
gone into the
forest’s mist
an ending to
my pet days

- Posted for dVerse Open Link Night#259

Monday, February 3, 2020

love was for children

love was for children she told me
I wanted to believe each word
but my heart wouldn’t let me see
love was for children she told me
although my brain fully agreed
what I felt caused boundaries to blur
love was for children she told me
I wanted to believe each word