Thursday, February 20, 2020

far-flung star

a far-flung star
you were to me
twinkling in sky
out of my reach

I gave you the moon
to ensnare your heart
gladly given more
to be your star

instead you stayed
just a mere fantasy
and never to return
my kisses and pleas

- Inspired by Poetic Aside Poetry Prompt#516-star poem and posted for dVerse OLN


  1. Oh this reminds me of someone with a unrequited love. Loving someone from afar. I think we've all had a crush like this sometime during our lives.

  2. I like the thought of giving the moon to ensnare a heart.

  3. What a lovely title for your bittersweet poem. I remember more those days when I was a "lovesick" teenager having crushes who remained fantasies...drat!

  4. You’ve summed up the joy and pain of unrequited love in this ‘far-flung star’, a bitter-sweet poem indeed!

  5. giving the moon, like giving everything, yet not receiving what was hoped for in return, so sad for the hope that was let down
