Monday, November 2, 2020

when happiness stays

she was told happiness
was something fleeting –
a thing that doesn’t last for
eternity or stick like glue
so she was quite surprised
when she found it in
someone who didn’t meet
all the things on her checklist
yet unexpectedly, she fell in love

- Written for 2 prompts:  dVerse Quadrille: Happiness and Poetic Asides 2020 November PAD Challenge: Day 2 (unexpected poem)


  1. People are more than a checklist -- and they might possess qualities that you had never thought to include on the checklist. Nice write.

  2. Aww, this is beautiful. Fantastic piece here with a very valuable meaning.

  3. Checklists are for groceries not relationships. You're blessed you found love, Maria.

  4. Happiness often surprises us, Maria, and we’re definitely better off finding our own than listening to other people’s ideas about it – checklists change over time and with experience.

  5. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this! Yep. After 50 years of marriage I remain forever grateful that I married my best friend. Check boxes be damned. :)

  6. Sometimes it comes when you are least prepared.
