Monday, May 3, 2021

planting seeds

as she looked into her newborn’s eyes
she smiled planting seeds within
the baby’s tiny heart
whispering you are loved,
you are special, you are strong
the glow in her eyes never wavering
throughout the years watching that
seed grow and bloom into adulthood

Although I do not have children, I imagine this is something a loving mother would do for her child. For the forthcoming Mother's Day holiday, this poem is dedicated to all the loving mothers in the world, especially my own mother.



  1. I like the idea of a smile and kind words planting seeds of future health.

  2. Your quadrille is delicate and beautiful, Maria!

  3. And those seeds are planted without any doubt they will flourish. That is the sign of a mother's true love.

  4. What a lovely poem and such kind thoughts. Thank you!

  5. Your poem had emotion bubbling up within me .... beautiful.

  6. So very sweet and heartfelt!!💝💝
