Wednesday, September 7, 2016

I wish

I wish I could spend days
building sand castles by the sea
strolling down the streets of London
eating baguettes on Paris sidewalks

I wish I could spend days
writing, absorb in magical words
not worrying about the next paycheck
and living a comfortable life

I wish I could spend days
swimming in those daydreams
that blend into night tales
perhaps it’s not too late


  1. Sounds like lovely wishes to me! Oh to eat baguettes on Paris sidewalks without a care in the world. Nice.

  2. "I wish I could spend days / writing, absorb in magical words" did you read my mind? :)

  3. It is never too late to make a wish come true.

  4. What a world of heaven
    could be when meaning
    and purpose iS MoVinG
    ConNecTinG CreaTinG
    the only
    cheap thrills
    never include
    a dollar bill.. wHere
    social roles and Happiness
    hOld hands as primitive folks
    still do in the 20 most peaceful
    small communities.. where give
    and share is the only rule
    of fearless love..
    back dollar
    bills have no devil life tHeRe..
    i for one.. create my own life tHeRe..
    and yes..
    the evidence
    all suggests as
    documented as such..
    it works.. it works.. juST liKe tHis..
    with never work and only practice LiVinG arT..:)

  5. What a wonderful leisure wish.... love it.

  6. I thought once I retired this would be my fate, but I have to confess that all kinds of things have moved in to take up the slack. I think some of that is my doing, and your poem reminds me to preserve and enjoy that leisure time a little bit more.

  7. wonderful wishing thinking that flows like water
