Tuesday, January 31, 2017

pink elephant

it was the thing
that mom told us
we should not
speak about
out loud
the pink elephant
in the room
and we did not
understand why
it had to be a secret
when it was such
a natural part of
being a woman

"The Elephant in the Room" by All Saunders
Courtesy of Ally Art

- Inspired by Ally Saunders  artwork "The Elephant in the Room".  

Monday, January 30, 2017

when dawn came

Photo by Israel Sundseth
Courtesy of unsplash.com

when dawn came we knew in our hearts
that nothing would ever be the same
as the sun’s rays peaked through curtains
I knew I would lose you forever
the sun rose over horizons as you 
placed sweet goodbye kisses
upon my weeping lips

Thursday, January 26, 2017

season me

winter me with words
to cool my scorching heart
spring kisses upon my lips
to make our love bloom
summer on my shoulder
as we swim into sunsets
autumn my heart if you
decide to shed this love

- Inspired by dVerse Poetics prompt "Verbify me".

Cherry Blossom Schlossgarten Landscape
Photo by Inselines
Courtesy of all-free-download.com

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

railroad us

they try to railroad us
saying the cause is moot
we need to stop complaining
this is the way things are
they railroad our voices into boxes
forcing dreams into mason jars
but we stand united before the storm
welcoming whatever may come
with peace in our souls

Monday, January 23, 2017

waiting on the bus

she stands in the sun,
rain, fog, snow or wind
waiting for the bus to arrive
she watches cars drive by
drivers absorbed in their
own little cubicles as  
she stands there waiting
for her ride to come

Thursday, January 19, 2017

dawn is coming

Mount Tamalpais, United States by John Towner
Courtesy of unsplash.com

dawn is coming
and we are running out of time
dawn is coming
and will expose our dark shadows
dawn is coming
and will rouse us from our slumber
dawn is coming
to chase away last night’s love songs
dawn is coming
and you will soon leave my side
but when dawn departs
you will return to me once again

- Written for dVerse Meeting the Bar: I'll Say it Again (and Again and Again) where we play with repetition.  Come join the fun.

Monday, January 16, 2017


they said our voices were too loud
so they did their best to muffle them
until we could do nothing
but whisper into the wind
then we stood up, broke our chains
as our voices reached the sky
vowing not to be silenced again

Thursday, January 12, 2017

on a bridge

on a bridge I left you my heart
thinking you would find it one day
instead hopes and dreams fell apart
on a bridge I left you my heart
but my grand plan was not too smart
for another led you astray
on a bridge I left you my heart
thinking you would find it one day

"Central Park" by Rachael Purdy
Courtesy of all-free-download.com

Monday, January 9, 2017

snow days

This evening I saw a man standing by the road, holding up a sign I could not read in the fading light.  He stood in the bitter cold, the ground covered by the recent snowfall.   As I drove home, I thought about a memory when, as a child, I would play in the snow.  Snow days were always the best.  I would spend my time outdoors trying to build snowman or just snowballs until my finger tingled.  Then I would come inside to warm up, my feet by the heater and hot chocolate in my hand as mom did housework.  A little while later, I would go back outside to play in the beautiful snow until the daylight began to fade.  It seems like that was the only time when I enjoyed the snow.  In later years, it has become more of a nuisance than a joy.  I suppose that man on the side of the road may feel the same way too.  He may have once, as a child, made snow angels in his backyard. But now as he stands in the bitter cold, the snow is just another curse to his destitute state.

on bitter cold days
the sun shines upon white snow
but leaves us no warmth

- Written for dVerse Haibun Monday #28 which challenges us to write a haibun about a childhood memory.  I had already thought about writing a poem about the snow and the destitute man I saw on my home from work (unfortunately not the first time).  Then I saw this prompt, started writing and this is where I landed.  I have heard people say that sometimes you focus on writing one way, but once you stop writing you find yourself in an entirely different place.  I believe this is one of those occasions for me.  

Thursday, January 5, 2017

my least liked season

snow falls under moon
turning my heart into ice
my least liked season

the grass becomes white
I close my eyes and pretend
the trees are still green

and Spring never ceased
until snowflakes bring me back
to reality

- I am sure there are those who really like winter, but I am not one of those people.  I prefer much milder weather.  

Monday, January 2, 2017

curling hair

the girl watched her mother
stand before a mirror
taking her precious time
forming perfect curls
with her curling iron
so she could look pretty
in the world’s eyes
but the girl saw her
as a jewel that she 
was too blinded to see

- Written for dVerse Quadrille #23 in which we are to write a quadrille poem consisting of a total of 44 words, which includes the word "curl" in some form or another.