Thursday, February 28, 2019


those blossoming flowers
could conjure up such
poetic words so easily
buzzing bees my muses,  
as words flow smoothly
across my pages

if only the season
could last lifetimes
I would fill volumes
of various loving words
but I know now that
each season has its place

one cannot appreciate
warm happiness without
feeling a bit of cold pain

Monday, February 25, 2019

people watching

on a lovely Spring day
I sit and watch people
hoping to find inspiration
I watch a man sip a
Starbucks coffee
another man power walks
along the park’s path
nearby a lady feeds her
poodle biscuit treats
as the sun warms our faces

- Written for dVerse Quadrille #74 - "sip"

Thursday, February 21, 2019

when I am lonely

when I am lonely
I think of you and
what we once shared
but it was so long ago
the memories are
beginning to feel
more like a dream
than an old reality

when I am lonely
I pretend you’re here
still madly in love
and the bond that
mended us as one
but we both know
those ropes were
torn apart long ago

when I am lonely
I often wonder
where I went wrong
what road I should
have taken instead
of the one I followed
but the universe
never answers me

Monday, February 18, 2019

we speak our own language

we speak our own language
with words, moving hands
and various facial expressions
language is not always verbal
and you have taught me this
that one can speak paragraphs
with little spoken words

Thursday, February 14, 2019

it was love

it was love
that brought me
to this place

it was love
that filled my
heart with hope

it was love
that tore my
soul in two

it was love
that helped me
mend my heart

it was love
that made me
love once more

Monday, February 11, 2019

a kiss

I had imagined a kiss with you
would be like smooching the stars
or seeing fireworks in a summer sky
but I experienced neither of them
just the sensation of soft lips
upon mine that took me to a high
I never achieved again

- Written for dVerse Quadrille #73-A Prelude to a Kiss

Thursday, February 7, 2019


I wonder if they notice me
for the person I came to be
or am I just invisible
the wallflower that no one sees

does my inner light catch their eyes
is my aura a grand prize
I try to entice them with charms
but they never fall for my lines

I’m a shadow in the moonlight
out of their minds, out of sight
I will linger here in the dark
until this lonely soul takes flight

Monday, February 4, 2019

in solitude

in solitude
I lower my barriers
and let my hair down
sing songs off key 
and dance madly
since no one is watching

in solitude
I lie in my bed until
brunch time on Sundays
enjoying its warmth
the only day in the week
I have such luxury

in solitude
I think about you
my soulmate, whose face
continues to change in my dreams
I have yet to meet you and
wonder if you are even real

perhaps you are –
in my solitude

- Inspired by dVerse Haibun Monday: Solitude though this is freestyle poem and not a haibun.