Wednesday, March 5, 2025


when he started misplacing his keys
no one saw it to be a precursor
to losing much more
slowly we watch 
memories fade 
along with 
the light
in his 

Monday, February 24, 2025


we first met under summer sun
I became enchanted with 
your golden brown eyes
my heart sang when you 
kissed me under indigo sky 

when our love affair ended
it killed my heart so softly 
and it took years to mend 
those broken pieces

- Written for dVerse Quadrille Monday: indigo.  The last stanza inspired by the song "Killing Me Softly" by R&B legend Roberta Flack, who passed away earlier today.

Thursday, February 20, 2025

I never stopped loving you

I never stopped loving you
you had me at the first kiss
making me fall into a bliss

your kisses were morning dew
and soft touches I so very miss
I never stopped loving you
you had me at the first kiss

after everything we’ve been through
my heart will still reminisce
and I cannot regret any of this
I never stopped loving you
you had me at the first kiss
making me fall into a bliss

- My attempt at an English Madigral poem for dVerse Poetry Form: English Madigral prompt

Wednesday, February 19, 2025


her heart been waiting
for the father that
never returned home
many nights sitting
by the front window
looking for him to appear
but he never did

even when she left home
in the eyes of every man
she searched for the serenity
that left when her father 
walked out the door

Monday, February 10, 2025


the artwork was displayed
for all eyes to see and study
some called it art, 
others called it trash

he didn’t let the zingers
creep into his heart 
he keeps painting the sky
in vivid shades and pulls back
the curtains others hide behind

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

washing dishes

she stands at the sink
filling the dishpan with 
hot water and Dawn soap
he is siting in the living room
falling asleep watching the news

she scrubs each glass and dish 
the moon her only company
the water runs down the drain
but she doesn’t see the suds
only the years that are now gone

- My attempt for the prompt at dVerse Poetics: Reimagining the Familiar

Funny enough this is the second poem I wrote about washing dishes for a prompt.  My previous poem was posted in August 2018 here entiled "as she washed dishes".

Monday, January 27, 2025

when ignoring the hints backfire

many said they didn’t know
despite numerous times
we tried to tell them

there were clues and hints
along the way but some
chose to ignore the signs

for those who took heed
we now sit back sipping tea
while drawing up escape plans

Monday, January 20, 2025

be my light

will you be my light
when darkness falls
will you take my hand
lead me through shadows

dark storm clouds gather
ice covering our hearts
and yet your eyes tell me
everything will be alright

Monday, January 13, 2025

lift me up

with outstretched arms 
I made a plea to the breeze
lift me up into dreamy blue skies
and let me slumber on pillowy 
clouds for all eternity

take me away from the dark storms,
wildfires and frigid cold that 
threatens to envelope us all

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

dreaming of spring in winter

I dream of blooming flowers
and bright warm sunrises
that bring forth clear blue skies
yet when I open my eyes
I’m greeted by barren trees
snow covering the grass
and icy breezes at sunrise