Tuesday, September 19, 2017

should I?

should I tell you
how I really feel?
should I lay all
my cards on the table
let the consequences
come into being?

should I stop shedding
tears over a dream
that may never 
become a reality?
should I reject fear 
and fly into the sky?

should I release old
goodbyes like fireflies
and collect new hellos
into mason jars?
should I open my heart
again, just this once?

- Written for dVerse Poetics: The answer is 42 where we are asked to write a poem consisting of only questions.  Come join in on the fun. 


  1. The questions of not knowing how much to reveal to another person of one's hopes for a relationship.

  2. I think we've all been through this at least once in our lives. The uncertainty is so bittersweet. I especially like the lines:
    'should I release old
    goodbyes like fireflies
    and collect new hellos
    into mason jars?'

  3. Love releasing old goodbyes... maybe we need to let some things go...

  4. Reject fear. Open your heart, welcome the new hellos, but keep some of the old goodbyes. My verdict.

  5. "Should I open my heart
    again, just this once?"

    Mmm, that is a question to savor and one being asked far too little.

  6. I have definitely found myself asking similar questions, but you phrased them so beautifully. I especially like the third stanza.

  7. Release them all, Arcadia. But keep your heart open. It will be filled when least expected!

  8. You pose extremely relatable questions.

  9. The age old question of whether to allow one's self to be vulnerable. Well said!

  10. That last stanza is fantastic. I think you know the answers already...
