Monday, June 3, 2019

movie date

she thought it would be
a romantic movie date
but it seemed they
chose the wrong film

she was befuddled
he too enthralled with
dragons, dwarves, hobbits
and elves to notice

but she had to admit
the story was in some
ways quite entertaining

- Written for dVerse Quadrille #81 - Here there be (poem) dragons
Author's Note:  This poem is in no way autobiographical.  I purposely saw  "The Hobbit" trilogy movies (The first movie on DVD and movies 2 and 3 in the theater) and enjoyed them.


  1. Back in the 60's, I would take a date to a drive-in, and always got caught up in the movie, missing out on romance; smile.

  2. You go out on a date with us nerds Arcadia, and this is what you get... :-)

  3. Made me smile. Reminds me of my husband who was able to sit through about ten minutes of Hobbits and Dwarves before falling asleep in boredom.

  4. Ha! What fun! I LOVE the Tolkien movies, but this is definitely how I feel about all the new Star Wars movies! (We all choose our own nerdome, I suppose.) ;)

  5. Ha... we do not all have the same taste in movies.

  6. Ha - I kind of like a date that actually wants to enjoy the movie and not ... other things. I
