Monday, September 16, 2024

the vampire

she met him in the library while 
reading Interview with the Vampire
she would find it ironic later
when he glamoured her
with his charming smile
draining the light out of her
before she took back her life
plunging a stake into his heart

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

a ghazal for the sea

the sounds of seagulls greet us
as we drive closer to the sea

white foamy waves await our arrival
to dive deep into cerulean blue sea

children collect seashells on white sands 
oblivious to the mysteries of the sea

unlike fisherman casting nets to catch fish,
their livelihood dependent upon the sea

I dream of us under moonlight
listening to roaring waves of the sea

Maria tosses a bottle holding a message 
with hope to cross the sea

- Written for dVerse Poetics: By the Beautiful Sea.  I decieded to try my hand at the Ghazal poetry form which I have been reading about over the summer.  Let me know what you think.

Monday, September 2, 2024


she wanted to take 
a spin around the moon
and see the stars while
her skin was still smooth

others told her she shouldn’t
wait too long, before she
would turn into a spinster

but she chose her own path
and followed her heart