Monday, May 30, 2016

“sky gazing”

some seedlings
and wait for them
to grow into trees
so we can lay under
the shade until the sun sets
then the moon and stars will arrive
for you and I to count galaxies

that lay beyond us but one day may see

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Poem for today is a tricube poem:

“make me love you”

make me love
you again
touch my soul

with your eyes
and smile
like the sun

don’t let go
stay right here
never leave 

Monday, May 23, 2016

“I can’t relax”

I never could relax very well.  I tried so hard to heed so-called experts’ advice.  They said relaxation can ease many aches and pains - even blood pressure among other things. I would close my eyes in an attempt to meditate but my mind always got away.

At 22, I did relax a little bit with an older guy who caught my eye.  However  I ended up getting burn in more ways than one.  Maybe that is why I can hardly relax now. I’m too busy remembering how relaxation got me into compromising positions and situations that I don’t ever talk about.  I breathe in and out with ease to reach that relaxation phase.  Perhaps I will feel amazing afterwards like those so-called experts proclaim.  Yet my mind continues to run laps around the course.

under the trees
inhale and exhale
the fresh air

This is my first attempt a writing a halibun poem, so it may not be totally in line with the form.   I really like this prompt, though I somewhat took another path by talking about trying to relax rather than what I do to relax.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

“poems on a napkin”

I scribble
poetic words
that pop in my head
they flow so seamlessly
creating a masterpiece
at least to me – but who knows what
others may say when they read these lines
maybe it’s only a jumble of words

- This poem was inspired by two prompts.  First, Writer's Digest Poetic Aside Prompt 350: a napkin poem. You can check out the blog here.  Second, for dVerse Getting in Shape for Summer prompt - Etheree poem.

“a dream was all it was”

a dream
was all it was
mere fantasy
never to be reality
once again
my faith was restored
only to
lose it once more

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

“the lady I know”

she was born on the island of enchantment
where the water is always clear blue
in the first years she grew up eating
mangos and platanos, watching her mother
cook arroz con gandules or garbanzos
which she always hated

at nine she left her mother and island behind
moved to the mainland with her father and brother
to start a new life in Philadelphia – riding trolleys
to Catholic schools, chatting with friends
on stoops or spending the afternoon at
the movie theater for a just few coins

she became an adult in New Jersey and
married a son of North Carolina sharecroppers
they made a home with two kids – one sickly
who would become the center of her universe
turning life upside down at times but still
had memories to cherish for lifetimes

despite the passing years of various jobs
to make ends meet or being a caregiver
to all those in need - losing a number of
relatives and friends and still counting
her pennies, she never once lost her faith
and keeps her eyes on an eternal prize

 platanos – plaintain
arroz con gandules – rice with pigeon peas
garbanzos – chickpeas

- Written for dVerse Poetic Tuesday where we were challenged to write a poem about a character describing them through their actions.

Monday, May 16, 2016

“no longer filled with envy”

I used to be green with envy
every time I saw pretty girls
draped across your arms
believing I would never
catch your eye
but now I know the grass
was not greener on the other side
I was better off outside your zone

“summer day”

the green grass, freshly cut,
felt good underneath our feet
our laughter echoed in the yard
as we dashed through water hoses
on a hot summer day we sipped
ice cold lemonade in the shade
waiting for dusk to arrive
with fireflies to chase

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Poem for today:

“the end of the course”

is this the end?
have we run our course?
will this be the ending chapter
of this love affair?

I’ve been down this road before
but it doesn’t make it easier
my heart forms a new crack
each time I have to say goodbye

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Poem for this evening:

                                           Picture by Arcadia Maria

sevenling: the door

standing before the door
wondering, second-guessing,

to enter the unknown
feeling anxiety, despair
mixed with sadness

I stand here indecisive

Monday, May 9, 2016

Poem for today:

“did we fall in love too soon?”

did we fall in love too soon
fell for the stars enchanting songs
chased the sun towards horizons
before stopping and thinking about
the consequences of our actions
we did not heed the moon’s warning
of what clandestine charms can do
the ocean tried to protect our hearts
by covering us in its white waves
but we were spellbound by love
with all of its rich promises
and dismissed questions in our heads

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Poem for today - another "Magic 9" poem:

“under the full moon”

under the full moon
you stole my breath
and very soon
I fell for enchantments
you made my heart swoon
when time stood still
no longer immune
I saw my death
in your eyes that afternoon

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Poem for this evening - Magic 9 poem:

“everything stopped when you said goodbye”

I didn’t notice a thing
when the words poured out
didn’t hear the birds sing
or notice the trees stop swaying
how could I notice anything
when you said goodbye to me
those little lines still sting
frozen in place, I can’t get out
so I diminish into nothing

You can find more information on "Magic 9" poetry from here on the Poetic Aside's blog

Monday, May 2, 2016

Poem for this evening:

“the appointment”

she wanted to skip the appointment
pretend all was well even if it wasn’t so
but she knew it was too important
and had heard enough cautionary tales
with a deep breath to calm her nerves
she entered the doctor’s office with a sigh