Thursday, December 31, 2015

Wishing everyone a peaceful and prosperous New Year.

Last poem for 2015:

“waiting room”

I sit in a tiny room
filled with many strangers
there’s the mother with
one child coughing and
spreading his germs while
the other boy is absorbed
in his headphones
the man across keeps
peeking at the pretty lady
sitting beside me
unaware of his ogling eyes
the tall man in the suit
chats loudly on his phone
as if we all want to know
his personal business
yet his thunderous voice
doesn’t disturb the older
man beside him with a
look in his eyes as if
he’s preparing for the worst
we all wait patiently
in this tiny room until
the nurse calls us
behind the curtain

Monday, December 28, 2015

Poem for today:  another try at a pantoum poem

"broken promises"

I made a promise to you
your promises fell through
I starved for your affection
you left me with only crumbs

your promises fell through
and our love shattered like glass
you left me with only crumbs
it never meant anything to you

our love shattered like glass
and I drown myself in tears
it never meant anything to you
when I etched my name on your heart

I drown myself in tears
as I starved for your affection
I etched my name on your heart
when I made a promise to you

Thursday, December 24, 2015

To those who celebrate, I wish you a peaceful and joyous Christmas.

Another pandoum poem for today:

“writing daily”

I write my words daily
who knows if they’ll be read?
I release them into the wind
in hopes to reach one’s ears

who knows if they’ll be read?
I write because it’s in my blood
in hopes to reach one’s ears
I cannot stop poeming

I write because it’s in my blood
despite the odds against me
I cannot stop poeming
it brings me peace of mind

despite the odds against me
I release them into the wind
it brings me peace of mind
so I write my words daily

Monday, December 21, 2015

For an old friend from my past on his birthday:

“I remember you”

I remember you
your smooth brown skin
that smelled so good
I wanted to bathe in it

I remember you
under the neon lights
I caught your eye
and you made me smile

I remember you
you broke down walls
I built around my heart
I could breathe again

I remember you
during cold lonely nights
wishing I had someone
to chat the hours away

I still remember you
despite the passing of time
you stay on my mind
I wonder where you are

Thursday, December 17, 2015

For today's poem, I experimented with a "pantoum" poem.  It is a modern adaption of Malaysian folk poetry.  You can find out more information here at website here.

Here's my attempt at a pantoum poem:

“as children”

as children, they put us together
to grow up, side by side
but as adults, we grew apart
we never had their bond

to grow up side by side,
I was too timid for your tastes
we never had their bond
and you were too wild for me

I was too timid for your tastes
we couldn’t be like our mothers
and you were too wild for me
we were not on the same page

we couldn’t be like our mothers
and as adults, we grew apart
we were not on the same page
though as children, they put us together

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

A madrigal poem inspired by Poetic Aside's poetry prompt for December 16, 2015- a standard poem:

"standard reply"

I had my standard reply
for every lame pick up line
but yours took me by surprise

so unlike the other guys
your charming words made my night
I had my standard reply
for every lame pick up line

but your bright eyes held no lies
and when you left me tongue-tied
all rejections left my mind
I had my standard reply
for every lame pick up line
but your took me by surprise

Writer's Digest Poetic Aside prompt 332

Monday, December 14, 2015

"after the love has gone"

we knew it would end
but still kept holding on
we danced the last dance
under the moon and stars

the next day I watched
you walk out the door
the sun on your back
my eyes filled with tears

but I have moved on –
or at least have tried
I suppose you have too –
we both won’t admit defeat

so every night I sit
in my now silent home
with the moon at my 
ear still whispering your name

- written 12/11/15

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Poem for the day:

“I still stand here”

the world may spin out of control
the seas may wipe away our homes
but still I stand here
I write. I live.  I love.
I will release my good vibes
into the world to touch one’s heart –
then another and another
until it has gone worldwide
I suppose I could just stand by
let the waves crash over my head
or I can rise above the seas
make the world a better place –
in my own small way

Monday, December 7, 2015

“what should I do when my heart cries tears”

my heart cries tears
when I see the world
disintegrate into chaos
what am I to do?
take up arms
like some proclaim
bastardize others names
should I pray like others
some may mock me
but tell me, what should I do?
should I do nothing,
and watch the world
fade out of my view
pretend I’m not really here
but on a heroin high
violence only begets violence
though prayers are fine
without work behind them
I don’t think we’ll get far
I know what my faith tells me
about days like this –
the end of days
but still I ask God
what should I do
in the meantime?

Friday, December 4, 2015

Poem for the day:

“stuck on you”

they all say I need to move on
but how can I do that
when you broke my heart in two

my friends say I need to snap out
of my blues and just let loose
but that’s not what I want to do

I rather snuggle under thick covers
drowning myself in HÓ“agen-Dazs
until my belly is too full

then my thighs will get fatter
and I can sit on the sofa watching
mindless TV until I grow gray hair

mom says there are other fish in the sea
but I just cannot get past
the memories of your haunting face

my friends dragged me out last night
bar hopping and sipping cocktails
but I was no fun to be around

I just sat on a stool under flashing lights
watching others dance wild and free –
but not me, I’m still stuck on you

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

“the husband shopper”

what can I say she had a gift
collecting husbands like diamonds
she had to - she was a spendthrift
what can I say she had a gift
seducing every man she kissed
she had it down to a science
what can I say she had a gift
collecting husbands like diamonds

Poem for the day:

"elephant in the room"

we begin dancing
around the elephant
in the room
neither one of us
wanting to look it
straight in the eye
so we just dance
like lithe ballerinas
pretending it will
just go away

Monday, November 30, 2015

Poem for the day:

"waiting for you to say"

I’m waiting for you to say
those three small words 
that hold such sway
but you continue to hesitate
and my patience is running thin
if I only knew way back then
but now it is too late

Friday, November 27, 2015

A second poem for the day:

“did I wait too long?”

did I wait too long
to let you know how I feel
now that you are hers
I can see you are happy

I guess I should keep quiet
Poem for the day:

“you left on a Sunday”

you left on a Sunday
though it seemed like yesterday
that I found myself all alone
with only items you left behind –
leftovers of love that ended unkind
seeing them everyday pains me to the bone

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Poem for the day:

“an apology to my younger self”

I apologize to my younger self
for not cherishing you more
those days of carefree play
opening presents on Christmas day
lounging on the couch with dad
or watching mom bake a cake
I should have loved those thick
ponytails instead of praying
for silky straight hair
I should have never tossed
away my dolls for the great
boyfriend who never came
those days are now long gone
and those faces have all aged
I wish I hugged you tighter
instead of rushing you away

Monday, November 23, 2015

Poem for today:

“waiting for love”

I’ve been waiting patiently
for love to show its face
to wrap me in its arms
and never let me go

I’ve been patiently waiting
to meet that one person
who will stop me in my tracks
and fall under their spell

have I been waiting too long?
did I somehow miss the train?
perhaps love already came by
but I was too distracted to see

I do not know the answer
yet still my heart waits
patiently on love’s arrival
I hope I’m not too late

Friday, November 20, 2015

Poem for the Day:

“behind closed doors”

you told me over the telephone
to keep this behind closed doors
I’m not even to hold your hand
even strolling the produce stands
must keep this love undercover
you’re too afraid of what others
may gossip and say behind our backs
but I’m not worry about that
so what? we are two of a kind
and at least in my own mind
you’re the one I want to spend
days traversing all over continents
painting the sky in vivid hues
can’t you see – I only want you
but you rather keep me in closets
that no one will ever bother
like winter blankets, worn and old
never used until you’re cold

Like this piece or another poem?  Have a poetry prompt? Feel free to leave a comment below. 
This week would have been my uncle's 66th birthday.  He unfortunately passed away in April 2004 from liver cancer.   We were not especially close while I was growing up.  However, we were able to connect in his last few months of life.  This is a poem I wrote a few months after his passing.

"I never got the chance to tell you"

I never got the chance to tell you
that I loved you dearly.
I never got the chance to tell you
that I still wanted you near.
I never got the chance to tell you,
that your light is bright as the stars.
I never got the chance to tell you
how special you really are.
I never got the chance to tell you
that you inspire me to go on.
I never got the chance to tell you
that your words help me stay strong.
I never got the chance to tell you
that our meeting changed my life.
I never got the chance to tell you
that I will keep up the fight.
I never got the chance to tell you
that I will miss you when you’re gone.
I never got the chance to tell you
that we will meet again at the dawn.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Another fibonacci poem:

"not you"

of his
cologne made
me think back to you
when I used to sleep in your arms
until I snapped out of that dream
sitting at my desk
with this man
who was


Monday, November 16, 2015

Fibonacci Poem for the Day

“my bed is cold”

is cold
without you
laying beside me
and those pillows bring no comfort
so I stare up at the ceiling
dreaming about you
by my side


Saturday, November 14, 2015

Thought of the Day

Here's a little poem that was placed on my heart this morning:

It makes my heart sad
when I see people take
their rage and cause chaos
I wish they only knew
that I don’t hate you
I want you to look
past the boxes you
want to place me in
by sex, gender, race,
nationality or faith –
can you not see that
I’m human just like you

Friday, November 13, 2015

Here are two triolet poems I wrote inspired by Writer's Digest Poetic Aside's prompt for November 12th "After _________".   The second one is a response to the first one.

“After I left”

after I left, did you miss me?
did you wait for me to return
or did you just play make believe?
after I left, did you miss me?
did you come outside just to see
if my heart made a big u-turn?
after I left, did you miss me?
did you wait for me to return?

"After you left”

after you left, my heart cried tears
but eventually the wounds healed
and I forgot the long sad years
after you left, my heart cried tears
but my mind let go of those fears
my true happiness was revealed
after you left, my heart cried tears
but eventually the wounds healed

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Two poems for the day:

This first poem I wrote last year in Kyrelle poetic form:

"none of them compared to you"

There was a time I chased the sun
tasted silver stars on my tongue
had torrid affairs with the moon
but none of them compared to you

I danced with the trees just for fun
the ocean's beauty had me stunned
mountaintops played a lovely tune
but none of them compared to you

This second poem I did a bit of experimenting with repeating lines, similar to a madrigal poem but not actually a madrigal poem:

“The temptation I couldn’t resist”

you were the temptation I couldn’t resist
despite the omens, I still wanted your kiss
and now my soul is shrouded in sin

it was a mistake to let you in
my heart – leading me to a bloody end
what do I wish for now? where do I begin?
I wish what I know now, I knew back then.

you were the temptation I couldn’t resist
it was a huge mistake to let you in
despite the signs, I still wanted your kiss
leading my heart to a bloody end
my soul is now is shrouded in sin
what do I wish for?  where do I begin?
what I know now, I wish I knew back then

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Writing and Social Media: Trying to Keep My Head above Water

            The Internet has changed many aspects of our lives.  Social media, in particular, has turned the world upside down.  As a writer looking for ways to showcase my work and “build my brand” as many writing experts would say, it can be a bit overwhelming.  There are so many different websites at one’s disposal – Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, LinkedIn, Wattpad, Goodreads, Pinterest, and the lists goes on.  It seems as soon as you learn about one site, a new one comes along.  Just this past weekend, I discovered another website for writers called Tablo.  I only learned of them because they apparently liked one of my tweets.  I did take a quick peak at their website to find out what they were about.  It seems interesting, but at this point I’m not sure I want to join another social media website.  I don’t want to be inundated with having to keep up with multiple website profiles and posting, along with my blog.  I do have a full-time job, which I actually get paid for, to pay my bills. 

            I do, however, think it is important to explore all possibilities when it comes to sharing your work, finding an audience and building a name for yourself.  There are multiple avenues to get your work out that didn’t exist twenty or even ten years ago.  It is all about finding what works for you.  I recently joined Wattpad.  At first I thought Wattpad was just for fan fiction writers, until I learned that Wattpad covers many different genres of writing.  So far I have read some good writing, and received feedback on some of my poems.  I’m interested to see where this will take me.

            On the other hand, there is always the question about what you want to post online.  Many literary journals do not accept previously published work, including work that has been posted online.  There are some journals who give exception, such as work posted on a personal blog.  Others have no exception – if it can be found online, it is considered “published”.  This presents a dilemma as to what you should post if you want to submit your writing to literary journals.  I have come up with a balance approach.  I post some of my best writings online and others I keep offline for submissions.  So far I have leaned toward keeping what I considered my “top” poems offline, because I want to make good impressions when I start submitting to journals.  However, at the same time I don’t want to post mediocre poems on my blog or elsewhere.  I think my online audience deserves to see my best work as well.  Whether this approach will work, only time will tell.

            I’m sort of new to this, but I am learning as I go along.  I’m sure I am not the only one out there trying to stay afloat in the writing and publishing world.  Yet I refuse to let it get me down and will keep pushing and posting.  Have a good day and look out for my new poetry posting.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

I recently posted another mini poetry collection entitled "Paris and London" by ArcadiaM on Wattpad.  If you are a Wattpad user, you can check out the entire collection on the Wattpad website.

Here are three poems that are part of that collection:

“What I found in Paris”

I found no handsome vampire
nor werewolves lurking in sewers
but under the Eiffel Tower
I found you and your flirty eyes
inviting me to stay awhile

“Two lovers”

I saw figures along the Seine
two lovers in a tight embrace
so lost in each other’s kisses
unaware of invading eyes
passing them by on a cruise boat

“The good smelling stranger”

climbing up the steps of the Tube
my mind was lost in thoughts and dreams
when your scent invaded my nose
I turned and looked back to find you
but you vanished into the crowd

Saturday, November 7, 2015

"watching and waiting"

do you stare at your phone
or computer screen
in anticipation
of a message or 
some sort of notification 
from someone - anyone
acknowledging your words
and existence
technology has allowed us
to reach out to hands and hearts
across oceans, bringing us closer
yet one can still feel
isolated and alone
in a room waiting
for your phone
 to play a tune

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Here's a new poem for the day:


I spent most of my life
in war with my body
wanting it to be different –
more like the other girls
I saw on TV or in magazines

I wanted my hair straighter,
skin clearer, my thighs thinner
or perhaps larger breasts,
washboard abs and smaller hips –
anything but what I had

but no matter how hard I try
I could never stop my body
fighting against my harsh waves
crashing against the rocks
saying, no that is not the way

in the end I gave up the fruitless
fight and threw up my arms
surrendering myself to the tides
I allowed the person within
break out and be free

Sunday, November 1, 2015

For those who are users of Wattpad.  I posted a 6 poem collection of decima poetry.  It's my first posting since I'm a new user.  You can check it on their website here.   Just look for my username "ArcadiaM".

In addition, I am also participating in Writers Digest Poetic Asides November Poem-A-Day Chapbook challenge.  I decided to write all madrigal poems specifically for this challenge.  This should be quite interesting experience since rhyming poetry does not come very natural to me.   However, I hope by the end of the month I will be better at it.  For Day 1, we are to write a "Day After" poem.  You can check out one of my madrigals I wrote for today on the  Poetic Asides blog website under username "Amaria".

Friday, October 30, 2015

Although I mostly write poetry, I occasionally write some short stories.  You can check out my attempt at writing a Halloween Revenge short story on the Writer's Digest site.   Halloween Candy Thief Revenge prompt

Thursday, October 29, 2015

I think back
to words unsaid
my heart aches
at the thought
I lost you
way too soon
we were unaware
time was short
if I could
have the chance
to say them –
those loving words
opening my heart
and your eyes
to enthrall you
I truly would

 - written for Writer's Digest Poetic Aside Prompt #329 

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

“you should have never”

you should have never kissed me
under the full moon that night
to fall in love at first sight

we were both too blind to see
that this affair was not right
you should have never kissed me
under the full moon that night

I tricked myself to believe
my soul would remain pure white
but our dark deeds came to light
you should have never kissed me
under the full moon that night
to fall in love at first sight

10/28/15 - for Writer's Digest Poetic Aside's Prompt #329 as "Amaria"

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Past Poems from 2014

Here are a few of my poems that I have written in the past.  Hope you enjoy.

“The lure of the wolf”

Under the light of the moon
you call out to me softly
Your voice penetrates my mind
luring me with your lullaby.

Foolishly I follow the sound
of your song into the dark
Like a lovelorn sailor at sea
I’m caught up in the beat.

With hungry eyes you stare
into mine and I fall prey.
I now see the beast within
as the wolf inside you wins.

- written 4/6/2014

"I wished I learned Español"

I wished I learned Español
when I was still in my youth
so it would be in my soul.
I wished I learned Español
so no one could suppose
my Latin claim was a fluke.
I wished l learned Español
when I was still in my youth.

- written 5/3/2014

"Latin Queen"

She is who I wanted to be -
the pretty Latin queen
but my Spanish
was lost in translation
for my mother adopted English
I do not blame her –
I tried to learn in school
but it never took root
perhaps I gave up too soon
I never thought I look Latin
my hair more like African
American – but I suppose
they saw me as an outsider too.
in my youth
I straddled two spheres –
it appears it suited me well
I wish I could have converse
with my grandfather in that
native tongue – but he
would not had none of it.
I guess I’ll never be a full
Latin queen – I will just
have to settle for being me.

- written 5/3/2014

"In the morning"

I sit on the side of your king size bed
where the bright rays of the sun flickers in
you sleep so silently in the warm light
as I ponder this unplanned rendezvous

When I entered this once darken chamber
the thoughts never once came into my mind
on what will come when the sun rose again –
all of my questions went away - adieu

But now it rushes back into my head
as to why  I laid down with this stranger
who now slumbers as if he is alone–
I suppose this, to him, is nothing new.

So I leave with departing words unsaid
before my spotless rep is endangered.

 - written 5/21/2014 for Writer’s Digest Poetic Aside Bref Double challenge

“Blame Beauty”

I blame beauty
for my demise
as I tried to
reach its lofty goals

I so wanted
to claim that prize
I threw caution
away like a fool

And now I lay
in this state of
beauty that will
all decay in time

- written 7/9/14


we are bonded by our blood
two siblings against the world
I now find myself watching
your light slowly drift away

I try to recall our youth
of us playing in green grass
or jumping on your high bed
despite our mother’s stern look

though I was ashamed of you
for not being “normal:
in time I learn to love you
as you are, imperfectly

and now I watch you succumb
in this deformed body that
followed you into this life
slowly draining your bright light

but life is not always fair
it was you who taught me that
so I cherish the brief times
for I know they are numbered

in my mind I buried you
over a thousand times yet
you still linger here like a
leaf to a tree in autumn

- finalized 10/5/2014

 “Love Song”

I dream of you
in red, green and blue
tumbling in fields
of flowers in lavender hues
or perhaps fuscia pink
but it doesn’t matter to me
for as long as I am in your arms
I know nothing is wrong
so please don’t let me go
until the sun goes down
and the moonlight
catches our eyes

remind me of that feeling
of being hapless in love
a feeling so fleeting
yet stronger than steel
and I will open up
my chamber doors leading
to my inner soul and
I will thank you
over a thousand times

so let us not hold back
and run towards the horizon
for when you kiss me
you make the sun go down
and I will look into your eyes
and make it rise again

- written 9/20/2014

"We walked among the stars"

once we were young and in love
together we walked among the stars
enchanted by the moonlight
but then one day she came
with the sun in her hair
and she seduced you out of my arms
I watch you chase after her
into horizons that you were never
meant to reach
while I stayed behind alone.

- written 12/20/2014

Past Poems from this year

Here are a few poems I have written this past year.

“First Heartbreak”

He was the first boy I noticed
He was the first boy I noticed
Who made me stop in my track
Who made me stop in my track
The first boy, who made me stop,
I noticed he was in my track

I worshiped the ground he walked on
I worshiped the ground he walked on
and enjoyed bathing in his light
and enjoyed bathing in his light
I worshiped in his light and enjoyed
bathing on the ground he walked on

Until the day he called me fat
Until the day he called me fat
My entire world fell to pieces
My entire world fell to pieces
Until my entire world fell, to pieces,
the day he called me fat

He was the first boy I worshiped
who made me stop, noticed his light
In my track, I enjoyed bathing
in the ground he walked on
until he called me fat, the day
my entire world fell to pieces

- written 3/1/2015 for Writer’s Digest Poetic Aside Paradelle challenge as Amaria

“Confession to Richard A.”

I confess, Richard, I have a crush on you
and I feel silly about having such a thing –
too old to be fawning over a celebrity

I was drawn in by those eyes, ever so blue
and that voice, rich and deep, fitting for a king
I confess, Richard, I have a crush on you
and I feel silly about having such a thing –

You have become my fantasy, yes it’s true
but my mind knows there will never be a fling
only in my dreams, you will give me a ring
 I confess, Richard, I have a crush on you
and I feel silly about having such a thing –
too old to be fawning over a celebrity

- written 4/13/15 for Writer’s Digest Poetic Aside’s April PAD Challenge Day 13 Confession poem as Amaria


I recall us playing
in the backyard in the dirt
dad called us to come
for nightfall would soon descend
so we ran into the house

Jumping on the bed
laughing our little hearts out
it was forbidden
but that is what made it fun
even with mom’s reprimands

I was not ready
when your lips crashed into mine
and I was surprised
but it felt so good inside
I fell in love the first time

In our caps and gowns
we had reached the finish line
we threw up our caps
into the sky where our dreams
waited for us to snatch them

When they lowered you
into the grave my heart cried
and my soul darkened
without your light in my life
but still I had to go on

- written 4/24/2015 for Writer’s Digest Poetic Aside’s April PAD Challenge Day 24: Moment poem as Amaria

“Perhaps I gave it up too soon”

Perhaps I gave it up too soon
I should have waited a bit longer
For one cannot gain back one’s virtue

Too intrigued to turn you away
I let you inside my untouched walls
Perhaps I gave it up too soon
And should have held it a bit longer

When we were done it felt surreal –
Asking was this all it was to be?
I suppose all my peers lied to me.
Perhaps I gave it up too soon
I should have waited a bit longer
For one cannot gain back one’s virtue

- written 5/14/2015

"Across the Dance Floor"

across the dance floor
we sway our hips
the seductive beats
that move our feet

in your arms i dip
salsa rhythms lure
us, seductive moves
breaking all the rules

with our mambo steps
leave all in the dust
we become one song
and dance all night long

the song in our hearts
keeps us chasing stars

- written 10/11/2015

“Parisian Market”

I sit on steps under the sun
taking in the sights and smells
of the Parisian market
on a Sunday afternoon

Crowds of people walk by as
I taste my cream puff dessert
my partner lost in his sketch
of the grand Eiffel Tower

I sit listening with care
to the sound of busy streets
French words flowing through the air
never wanting to forget


I never thought my feet were pretty
they were too skinny and pale
but I was fond of high heels
as a child I spent afternoons
in mom’s closet tipping in her pumps
and she, by the doorway,
would laugh at my tumbling

When the time came I began to train
my feet in kitten heels feeling so grown
in time I was able to conquer
those four and five inches
that made my feet so alluring
my hips swaying from side to side
catching all the men’s eyes

Especially that one guy
who confessed he had a foot fetish
he snapped pictures of my feet –
which I still found unattractive –
but he was mesmerized
by their shape and how they look
in those steel pointed spikes.

So now when I see those
pieces of art on pretty feet
I cannot help but giggle –
recalling mom’s smile
at my juvenile tumbling,
or the lust in that guy’s eyes
that said so much more

- written 10/15/2015 for "Funny Feet" writing prompt as Amaria


a text message came through
and she knew it was wrong to
answer the blatant booty call –
agony was all it would lead to
and she tried her best to
abstain from texting back but
as she began to daydream
about his hands and mouth
all over her skin, her
amnesia departed once again
at the bar a man sips whiskey
an apple martini in her hand, the
allure was too much to resist, her
aching skin thirst only for him
as he led her to the bedroom
arms intertwined, falling  into bed,
as tongues merged and hips connected
at dawn she found herself
alone chastising herself with
acidic guilt filling her heart

- written 10/22/2015 for "Its Not About Me" writing prompt as Amaria


autumn leaves cling to trees
as the seasons come into full force
a girl and boy rakes the front yard
a mother stands by the window
and recalls her younger days

anxiety fills her heart
awaiting life changing results
a nurse chats on the phone
as the doctor looks over a chart
and enters the room to deliver the news

around the corner sits a man
at a table lost in his book
a woman stands by hesitating to
approach her secret crush
another minute passes by

asphalt is hot under their feet
as cars zip along the highway
abandoned by a broken down car
an angry man talks on his cell
a tow truck finally arrives

- written 10/23/2015 for "Its Not About Me" writing prompt as Amaria

Monday, October 26, 2015

Good evening,

This is my first post.  I decided on a whim to create a blog where I can post and share my poems.  I love poetry and invite those who love poetry as well to follow and comment.  

Arcadia Maria