midnight blue skies
she was born under
snow blanket the ground
maybe that is why she
always felt so cold
until Spring arrived
powder blue skies with fluffy clouds
chased away depressed feelings
spring cleaning cobwebs
from her heart every year
warm skies of azure blue
welcomed her every summer
lounging on white sands
turquoise waters around ankles
the highlight of every vacation
a crisp navy blue suit
was what caught her attention
their eyes met and she fell
head over heads in love
sweeping away her daily blues
autumn skies of cobalt blue
a sign of what was to come
who knew the time was short?
but she held on like fall leaves
soaking in those blue hues
the sky was ice blue the day
she was laid to eternal rest
tears fell from loved one eyes
but not hers – she was smiling
under heavenly blue skies