Thursday, December 29, 2016

silent snowflakes fall (haiku)

Winter Landscape in HD by
Courtesy of

silent snowflakes fall
in the white covered forest
under a pale moon

Monday, December 26, 2016

blue skies in winter (haiku)

"Winter Landscape" by
Courtesy of

blue skies in winter
eases the cold’s vicious bite
under the sun’s rays

Thursday, December 22, 2016

winter's embrace

Photo by Adam Jaime
Courtesy of

winter has wrapped
her arms around me
once more
holding me close
to her ice cold heart
in an sweet embrace
I cannot escape
I watch snowflakes
fall slowly under
a pale full moon
dimming the light
that once shined bright
within my soul

Monday, December 19, 2016


I am drowning
in a sea of emotions
I cannot keep my head
above the high waves
I see the shore line
far off in the horizon
I try to swim back
but my arms have
grown too tired
to fight against the tide

Thursday, December 15, 2016

broken mirror

she refuses to look
into the mirror
and stare at her
own reflection
I cannot help
but wonder what
sort of pain lies
inside her soul
that would make
it impossible
for her to look
into the mirror
and peer into
her own eyes

Photo by Tiko Giorgadze
Courtesy of

 - Written for dVerse Open Link Night #186

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

reflecting on time

Photo courtesy of

I reflect on a time
when life seemed easier
and the burdens were not
so heavy and numerous
but then I begin to wonder
whether anything in life
has really changed, or
was it just my youthful mind
that shielded me from such things

Monday, December 12, 2016


you were once
believed to be
a long forgotten

until you came
into the room
and old feelings
began to bloom

drowning my heart
in an emotional sea
that I was not
able to flee

Photo by Lukas Robertson
Courtesy of

Thursday, December 8, 2016

asking too much

I wanted you to kiss
my blues away
heal my pain with
sweet lullabies
I wanted you to move
mountains and part seas
I wanted you to believe
in me

I wanted to love you
until the sun came down
to bath in your light and
covered by your shadow
but you broke down because
I asked to much of you
and I did not offer enough
of me

Monday, December 5, 2016


my mom would heal
my scars with kisses
make all the bumps
and burns feel better
with her simple touch
but now as an adult
when I come home
I no longer have someone
to kiss away these scars 
and make them feel better

Thursday, December 1, 2016

since I last saw you

it's been four months
since I last saw you
funny how times fly

when mending a heart
that appeared so broken
and I did not think

I would reach this point
when I would not think
about you every day

but it seems that time
healed wounds and faded
once cherished memories

Monday, November 28, 2016

you remind me

every time I see you
I feel a flutter in my chest
but I don’t think it is love
no, it’s something else
you remind me of those years
when things were simpler
I didn’t carry the worries
that burden me now
and I see in those eyes
those long lost years
but my mind knows
I can’t return to that time
for the trees have already
shed their leaves and
ice and snow has placed
those days in eternal sleep

Thursday, November 24, 2016

stargazing alone

McArthur Causeway, Miami Beach, FL 
Photo by Wes Aspinall
Courtesy of

we had talked about stargazing
under a warm Florida sky
but that dream never came to be
so now I stargaze all alone

under a warm Florida sky
holding hands under the stars
as we fall deeper in love

but that dream never came to be
for you drifted out to sea
leaving me alone on the shore

so now I stargaze all alone
wising I had some company
maybe solitude is my lot in life

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Parisian Night

The Eiffel Tower in Paris
 taken on 6/28/15 by Arcadia Maria

we lounged on the grass
watching the Eiffel Tower
light up the night sky
it is a sight to behold
at least once in your life
with your hand in mine
I wish I could freeze time
and stay in this moment
for eternity

- Written for dVerse Poetics: Night-time Panorama.  This poem was inspired by a photo I took of the Eiffel Tower during my trip to Paris in June 2015.  

Monday, November 21, 2016

holding my breath

I find myself holding
my breath more often
for it seems there is always
a storm cloud on the horizon
I know I should just 
breathe and relax
let things fall into place
but as the years pass
I have only become
more anxious

Photo by Annie Spratt
Courtesy of

Thursday, November 17, 2016

I never wanted to say goodbye

I never wanted to say goodbye
the words too hard to say out loud
breaking my heart into a million pieces
but it’s the only thing left to say

the words too hard to say out loud
they push against my closed lips
pressing for their eventual release

breaking my heart into a million pieces
your eyes shattering my spirit like glass
no one really is bad guy here

but it’s the only thing left to say
the words written clearly on the wall
so I let them escape my throat

Photo by Andres Nieto Porras
Courtesy of

Monday, November 14, 2016

December Birthday

Having a birthday in December and hoping for good weather is always a toss-up – it’s either unseasonably warm or bitterly cold.  I took the day off for my milestone thirty-fifth birthday, with hopes to enjoy a few outings under a sunny sky.  Instead, I sat home watching thick snowflakes stick to everything that stood still.  The roadway and sidewalks became ice patches waiting to trick some poor soul’s feet.  I listened to school closing and traffic delays while sipping oranges inside my apartment cocoon, which now felt like a darken cave.  This is not how a person should spend a birthday – all alone.  Surely God knew how much I despised snow – was I being punished?

winter’s arrival
causes the skies to shed tears
as large white snowflakes

Thursday, November 10, 2016

across the night sky

Photo by Ryan Hutton
Courtesy of

across the night sky
its just you and I
dancing with the twinkling stars
falling deep in love
you become part of
the potion that heals my scars

the light in your eyes
gives me butterflies
the full moon is now our muse
with this love poem
my heart unbroken
no longer singing the blues

Monday, November 7, 2016

missed cues

she always tried to cue her husband
to take out the trash or help with
the dishes but he seemed oblivious
to her hints, leaving her frustrated
and ready to pull out her hair
until one day she wasn’t there
and he finally understood

- Written for dVerse Quadrille #20 wherein we had to write a poem containing the word "cue", which has several definitions.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

four white walls watching

we watched her every morning
she would go out for many hours
until evening when she came back
returning to dreams at midnight

she would go out for many hours
yet her sadness stayed behind
it permeated the very air we breathed

until evening when she came back 
and we saw in her eyes diminishing
light and a growing darkness

returning to dreams at midnight
we saw her swallowed every pill
and cross over the eternal bridge

- This poem as inspired in part by dVerse's Halibun #24: Bridges and Poetics:If Walls Could Talk prompts from earlier this week.  

Sunday, October 30, 2016

eternity of nights

"Moonlight Landscape" by Petr Kratochvil 
Courtesy of

"eternity of nights"

it was your eyes that drew me in
an immortal kiss that sealed my fate
by your side for an eternity of nights
I walk with you under the moon

an immortal kiss that sealed my fate
I gave up the sun for twinkling stars
to feed this hunger in dark shadows

by your side for an eternity of nights
you have become my alpha and omega
as the years turn into centuries

I walk with you under the moon
that seductive goddess I can’t let go
I believe death has forgotten my name
Happy Halloween to all who celebrate.

- Written as a Trimeric poem.  You can find out more information about this form at Writers Digest Poetic Asides Blog  and at popularpoetryforms blog.  This is one of my first attempts at this form and I am beginning to like it.  I think it gives you a little bit more freedom than other forms.  I encourage you to give it a try.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

One Year Anniversary

Today is the one year anniversary of this blog.   One year ago today I began this little blog to share my writing with others.   It has been an interesting journey.  I want to thank every one who has taken the time to visit, read and comment on my works.  Your encouraging words help me continue this journey.

And here's a poem for today, inspired by dVerse Quadrille #19.


your touch
sparked something
inside of me
that I thought
was long dead
in your eyes
I saw paradise
and heard heaven
in your voice
and to think
I almost
walked away
afraid of a
broken heart again –
I’m so glad
that I stayed

Photo by Eutah Mizushima
Courtesy of

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

first memory

my first memory of you –
a young, naïve teen, like me –
yet I can still envision
your sparkling brown eyes
in the warm afternoon light
and after all these years
no one so far has captured
my attention and stopped
me in my tracks 

- Written for dVerse Poetics: first things first in which we are tasked to write a poem about a first that means a lot to us or one that we look forward to.  I went a step further by writing this as a Quadrille (a 44 word poem) with the word "spark" in it, coinciding with dVerse Quadrille #19 prompt posted earlier this week.  

Monday, October 24, 2016

waiting for the spark

she was so patient with him –
he was not her first choice,
but a wise one, so she waited
for the spark to ignite a deep
passion to carry her through
the years – but it never came
because some things
can never be forced

- Written for dVerse Quadrille #19 where we had to incorporate the word "spark" in a poem of exactly 44 lines.  Feel free to join in on the fun.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

disturbing waters

disturb still waters
and step out your comfort zone
dare to take the risks
break down all those concrete walls
others built to keep you in

Photo by tpsdave
Courtesy of

Monday, October 17, 2016

A September Day in New York

On a sunny September day I walk along the crowded streets of Little Italy.  It is the Feast of San Gennaro and the crush of people almost make it impossible to walk.  The barrage of scents attack my nose – fresh tomatoes, sausages, cheese, baked goods, and even seafood  I gingerly walk by tiny dining tables set on the sidewalks by cafes where people sip wine and dine on Italian dishes.  I keep it light with a cold lemonade and a slice of delicious New York style pizza.  I watch the colorful floats ride down the parade route under a gorgeous sky.  I am happy to spend a day in the city, but still thinking it would be better with some company.

narrow city streets
expand to hold immense crowds
under the blue sky

"San Gennaro Festival Parade" 9/17/16
Photo by Arcadia Maria
All Rights Reserved.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

the journey ahead

the asphalt road lies ahead
the gray clouds threaten to overtake me
I have heard your words and concern
but this is a journey that I must take
so I begin my ride down this long road
with eyes wide open to what lies ahead

Photo by Gian-Reto Tarnutzer
Courtesy of

- Another poem inspired by dVerse Quadrille #18 prompt "cloud"

Monday, October 10, 2016

Clouds in San Diego

I went to San Diego hoping
to feel the sun on my skin
but only found clouds following
me everywhere I went
and it wasn’t until from my
window I watched the plane  
climb over those stubborn clouds 
that I saw the sun again

 - Written for dVerse Quadrille #18 "Cloud".  This poem was inspired by a trip I took to San Diego, California a few years ago.  I heard many people speak of "sunny" California, however, the sun decided to take a holiday while I was there.  Although I found San Diego area very lovely, it would have been more lovely if the sun would have made an appearance.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

life and regrets

I try to live my life to the fullest
and enjoy each moment without regrets
but those feelings cannot always be avoided
there will be times you wish it was different
wondering if you took the right path
but this is just the way of life’s journey
you never know what you will find
or what future lies ahead of you
so I take each step with eyes wide open
and see where the waves will take me

"Big Sur, California" by Vashishta Jogi
Courtesy of

Monday, October 3, 2016

Typical Tuesday

It was a typical Tuesday.  I was up early that morning for my daily workout.  Then I hopped in the shower and got dress for the day.   I made breakfast since they say breakfast is the most important meal.  But the day was not a typical Tuesday.  I was wearing my best pantsuit and my hair  curled in all the rights places.   Interviews can be nerve wracking and even though it wasn't my first time, it still created butterflies.  I wonder will I make a good impression.  Will they even like me?  Will I like them?  Does the job pay well?  Can I really do this?  Too many questions flooded my head as I ate my cereal.  Taking a deep breath as I sipped my tea,  I prepared myself for the journey.

sun hides behind clouds
as the leaves begin to fall
and we take deep breaths

Thursday, September 29, 2016

a love story

"White Rose" by PixelAnarchy
Courtesy of

one man stole my heart away
two weeks it took me to say hello
three dates until we had our first kiss
four dinners spent meeting family
five honeymoon nights in Hawaii
six years we spent in wedded bliss
seven operations had us on edge
eight long minutes I waited by the door
nine months it’s been since I lost you
ten thousand years won’t heal this pain

Monday, September 26, 2016

hiding in shadows

we hide in dark shadows
whispering forbidden wishes
to never be heard outside
our presence, but things
that are done in the dark
have a way of being revealed
in the light and secret rendezvous
and kisses shatter those glasshouses
we build around ourselves

 "Apple shadow fruit" by Alexis
Courtesy of

Thursday, September 22, 2016

as the band started to play

the band started to play
the song we danced to the night
I fell madly in love with you

and it broke my heart in two
thinking of what we used to do
but no longer since you went away

the melodies smashed every inch
of the smile I was wearing before
the musical notes floated into the air

it took everything inside of me
to keep the tears from falling
exposing my still vulnerable heart

"Band Onstage" by David Wagner
Courtesy of

Monday, September 19, 2016

Moving Day

It had just turned summer when I moved into my first apartment.  My dad and I carried packed boxes up two flights of stairs, because I wanted a second floor apartment with a balcony. (My dad was thankful I had the new sofa delivered by the furniture store).  Mom came later with my brother to help unpack the few dishes and items I had to fill my studio apartment.  I’m not certain my brother truly understood what was going on – it was just a new place for him to explore with his eyes.  When night fall came, I hugged my parents before they departed, leaving me all alone.  At that moment I felt like a bird spreading its wing to leave the nest for the first time.  I climbed into my bed when the realization truly hit me – I was now on my own.

under the June sun
little bird departs the nest
trying out her wings

Thursday, September 15, 2016


you stand there
as they stare
at your face,
your flesh and bones
as you squirm
under their hot gaze
they look over
your credentials
as you try to find
the right words to say
that will make them
want to take you on board
and say the magic words
“you are hired”

Monday, September 12, 2016

open advice

please my dear take these words to heart
for I have learned in life that it is better
to keep an open mind and heart
instead of a heart stuck in place
for you may miss the rainbow
by staying focus on the clouds

- Written for dVerse Opening to the Muse-Quadrille #16 where we are asked to write an "open" poem, either as a noun, verb, adjective, adverb or any other way you might think of.  I rewrote this poem several times before I could get the words right (at least in my mind).  

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

I wish

I wish I could spend days
building sand castles by the sea
strolling down the streets of London
eating baguettes on Paris sidewalks

I wish I could spend days
writing, absorb in magical words
not worrying about the next paycheck
and living a comfortable life

I wish I could spend days
swimming in those daydreams
that blend into night tales
perhaps it’s not too late

Monday, September 5, 2016

a kiss under the night sky

We were both young and inexperienced tweens.  Yet chemistry and hormones drew us together over a summer weekend.  The last night we lounged under the night sky, sharing a first kiss.  It was the first time I ever kissed a boy, though I believe it wasn’t your first time kissing a girl.  I can still remember your lips upon mine – warm, soft, wet.  My naivety slowly melted under the July moon with you.  I wish we could have stayed in that moment – frozen in time - oblivious to all that will come in the future.

the night stars twinkles
as they dance around the moon
to sensual beats

Friday, September 2, 2016

love in seasons

"The Four Seasons" by George Hodan
Courtesy of

"love in seasons"

in spring
flowers blossomed
the first time you kissed me
under the summer sun
I fell in love
with you
brought shorter days
so I cherished that time
for you left in winter
turning my heart
ice cold

- I decided to a little bit of experimentation.  I wrote this as a Cyclus poem, which is a shape poem.  You can find more information about this poetry form here.

Wednesday, August 31, 2016


Photo by
Courtesy of


one summer night he met the moon
who called herself Selene
she was an exotic beauty
with pale skin and dark hair
seducing men down to their knees

he chased her across the night skies
dodging stars and blazing comets
but she always managed to escape him
flashing him her beautiful smile
reminding him she was unattainable

- Written for dVerse Poetics: Moon-muse.

Monday, August 29, 2016

you always leave

you always leave me
when I just start getting comfortable
snatching the rug underneath my feet
and to be honest
I have cried out all my tears
my tongue has depleted its prayers
I know it’s not very Christian
but I’m just being honest

Thursday, August 25, 2016

hellos and goodnights

hellos at sunrise
makes mornings so much better
with coffee or tea

as we leave our home
I take one last look at you
so I won’t forget

my heart makes wishes
that I could spend afternoons
snuggled in your arms

at dusk we return
shedding all the day’s hardships
and retrieve our light

good nights under the night sky
makes me drift into good dreams

Monday, August 22, 2016

a goodbye under blue skies

Photo taken 8/10/16 by Arcadia Maria.  All rights reserved.

“a goodbye under blue skies”

I don’t remember how the clouds looked that day.  What I do remember is standing beneath blue skies with the June sun on my skin.  My young mind trying hard to grasp the heaviness of the occasion.  Grand-mom wept into her handkerchief as grand-pop held her.  Mom had her arms wrapped around dad with a solemn face.  So many relatives were gathered around the open grave, where you will lay until the end of time.  The preacher said his solemn words of comfort and we all left flowers for you as a token of our love.  We then departed that place, to get back to piecing our lives back together.  But for me, it would be some time before I fully understood what happened.  I had never lost an uncle before so it was all new to me.  After all these years I have not forgotten you.  For every Spring, I visit your grave along with grand-mom and grand-pop, under blue skies.  I still cannot believe it’s been twenty nine years since you been gone.

white clouds and blue skies
try to wipe away our tears
with help from the sun

- Written for dVerse Halibun Monday: The Sky is the Limit.  We were tasked to write a halibun poem about the day sky.  I'm not sure what came over me when I read this prompt, but I decided to revisit a memory I had of my uncle's funeral.  I was only eight years old when he died in a car accident, but I have fond memories of him from when I was very little.  This is for you, uncle Evan.  

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Tanka poems


in dreams we tango
to sultry beats with our feet
your tender kisses
and sensual eyes lull me
into an eternal sleep

"Tango couple dancing" by werner22brigitte
Courtesy of


 “at sunrise”

soft like rose petals
he warms her with caresses
kisses like honey
they lounge on soft cotton sheets
as the rising sun greets them

Photo by Bruno Sousa
Courtesy of

- Written for dVerse Meeting the Bar - Tanka.   For today, we are writing Tanka poem,s which are a Japanese form of poetry which has been around for many centuries.  Come join us and check out some other great pieces.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

like a love song

your voice was a love song to my ears
tickling my heart with warm feelings
but not all love songs are happy
some cut you down to the core
like you when you told me goodbye
so now whenever I hear your name
I think of our song and what we once had

"Musical note" by Hans
Courtesy of

- Written for dVerse Poetics: The Sound of Love.  Check out some wonderful poets here.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

wishes and dreams in jars

"Bottles jars glass" by Shirley
Courtesy of

"wishes and dreams in jars"

I placed my wishes and dreams in jars
hoping one day to open the lids
releasing them into the sky
flying like fireflies at dusk
but the time never seemed right
I held them for so long
that one day it was too late

Monday, August 15, 2016


"Boracay Getaway" by Maliz Ong
Courtesy of


take me away
from the pain
and darkness

fly me into light
and warm sunshine
away from coldness

romance me
let me fall in love
once again

meet me in dreams
Caribbean blue seas
forgetting all worries

show me paradise
hold me tight
never let go

with your kiss
breathe life into
my empty lungs

Thursday, August 11, 2016

life in blue

midnight blue skies
she was born under
snow blanket the ground
maybe that is why she
always felt so cold

until Spring arrived
powder blue skies with fluffy clouds
chased away depressed feelings
spring cleaning cobwebs
from her heart every year

warm skies of azure blue
welcomed her every summer
lounging on white sands
turquoise waters around ankles
the highlight of every vacation

a crisp navy blue suit
was what caught her attention
their eyes met and she fell
head over heads in love
sweeping away her daily blues

autumn skies of cobalt blue
a sign of what was to come
who knew the time was short?
but she held on like fall leaves
soaking in those blue hues

the sky was ice blue the day
she was laid to eternal rest
tears fell from loved one eyes
but not hers – she was smiling
under heavenly blue skies

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

blue jeans

I saw you in dark blue jeans
my heart skipped a few beats
as daydreams played in my head
of seeing your handsome smile
in the morning light
or looking into those eyes
every single night
but you walked out the door
never meeting my pining gaze
but I won’t soon forget 
you in those blue jeans

Monday, August 8, 2016

I miss romance

I miss romance
the “just because” flowers
countless “I love you” texts
and late night conversations
you don’t know what you have
until it slips from your hands
maybe it will return some day
or maybe it was just a dream
that I have awaken from

Photo by Anna.  
Courtesy of

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

sevenling: fear

what used to bring fear to me:
the dark, monsters under the
bed and dogs.

it took a long time to get over
heights, highway driving
and trying new things.

but I still fear spending my life alone.

Monday, August 1, 2016

who I am

"who i am"

female. thirty-seven.
black and puerto rican.
american. jersey girl.
college graduate.
legal assistant.
tall.  pretty. introvert
thoughtful.  humble.
writer.  music lover.
politically independent.
single. childless.
daughter. sister.
niece.  cousin. friend.
vampire aficionado.
moody. seeker of peace.
these small pieces
make up who I am.

Arcadia Maria.  Taken 5/13/16.
Photo by Arcadia Maria. 
All rights reserved. 

Thursday, July 28, 2016

deluge of tears

a deluge of tears
fell down my cheek
as I read parting words
that slit my heart open

I did not think
I could hurt so much
from an affair that
lasted only a season

but I had my hopes
I suppose I still do
but it gets harder
to believe in such dreams

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

heartbroken on a hot July night

I had just broken up with my boyfriend of two years.  The need to shed reminders of him was strong.  I drown them in cold alcoholic drinks under city lights.  Who knew a baby shower could be like a night at the club.

Afterwards I sat on a porch under the stars.  Row houses can be so steamy in summer.  In reality, it was probably that flying cockroach that led us outside.  The three of us chatted the night away before the sky lighten.  Slowly I began the process of piecing myself back together.

hot and humid days
turn into long, steamy nights
never-ending heat

- Written for dVerse Haliban Monday #17 - summer heat

"Lamp light sun"
Photo courtesy of

Monday, July 25, 2016

Once believed

I once believed in Santa until my inquisitive mind
began to question the holes in the story
maybe I should have questioned the things
I noticed in you – out loud – instead of in my head
maybe I would not be as hurt as I am now
or question whether love will ever come for me
or does only death has my name

A/N:  This poem was inspired by dVerse's 5th anniversary celebration prompt for Friday July 22, 2016, in which you had to write about a belief you once had and how it transformed you and your life throughout time.  I didn't read the post in time to participate because I have been really busy these last few days, but it did inspire me to do some writing so I could have a post for today. 

Thursday, July 21, 2016

kisses between us

kisses between us were short
I wish they lingered longer
on my lips, now you have gone
into the light, I am left alone
with only my memories

still I dream

my time is short
but still I dream
of a future with you
even if the world
transpires against us
water fills my lungs
my last vision is you

Monday, July 18, 2016

when time runs out

Photo by Vera Kratochvil
Courtesy of

"when time runs out"

I never got the chance
to do all the things
I wanted to do
my time ran out
sand in the hourglass
has fully drained
I now shed tears
for all lost things
I couldn’t hold onto
slipping through my
fingers like water drops
I knew this day would come
I even prayed for it
in my darkest nights
but no one is prepared
for its eventual arrival
now I only have memories
to hold onto tightly
hoping they will not
fade away in time